Subtitles in PowerPoint presentation as you speak, real time with translations. Office

Subtitles in PowerPoint presentation as you speak, real time with translations. Office Hi guys welcome back to poppin glamour pre let's check out how to use the translate feature as well as how to insert subtitles in fact live subtitles in a PowerPoint presentation so please.

Stay tuned okay let's start with using the translate feature a for this I have this slide here for example if you want to translate that X how are you in two different languages for example in.

Arabic as well as in Hindi so earlier traditionally what we used to do is to copy this text go to google and do the translation and copy from there and paste it in your applications so this.

Feature is available in office 365 and it is also available in Word and Excel so let's see how to do that in PowerPoint so the first way of going and using this feature is by going to the.

Review tab to become the review time you see this translate options click on the translate button there will be a section which opens up here okay so let's go back and you see the other option so the.

Other option is to just click on this text select the line did you want to translate but right-click on it and go select a task options if you can translate the same a blue text box is.

Subtitles in PowerPoint presentation as you speak, real time with translations.

Open on the right side for example if you see now it has detected the text how are you and it is translated into from which is English which will auto-detect a.

Language which has detected which is English yeah and it is a stated into Hindi so we also have an option to transfer it into French translated into Arabic so let's do a topic here first.

all right so now how are you is John Smith you are a big which is therefore hard so now if you want to insert this translation into this text box you can.

Either copy and paste it here or just click on insert it will insert the translated text here the same way to select this again it has detected our you now go ahead and change the language.

Let's go ahead and search for Hindi okay select empty it is not a separator it they just click on insert so the text is now translated and inserted in Arabic and so this is the same way you can.

Actually go ahead insert and answer the text you need not go ahead and change the keyboard type and keep on typing it in Hindi or Arabic so this simple translation feature is inbuilt into.

    PowerPoint you can go ahead and send the

    User so that is the first part now the most interesting part which I love is inserting subtitles into your PowerPoint presentation so if you know PowerPoint.

    Has an option as a feature to insert subtitles when you are giving your presentation life to your audience so for example if you have a mixed crowd of four who speaks Hindi speaks Arabic and.

    Who speaks English so you can have your presentation running in English and then you can have subtitles in the bottom or in the top displayed in Hindi so let's insert a text box.

    how you this is my channel this is Ali.

    Okay let's just keep it how are you and see how it appears we are going to give the presentation so let's see how the subtitle of the are it gets translated and appears and how do we go ahead and.

    Do that so let's have this text here for now just one sentence to make it easy looking I mean go ahead answer the science to it okay so this is the text which you want to present this is the.

    First slide and if you want to open insert subtitle in a different language so let's see how to go ahead and do that so first go to the slideshow ribbon then click on always use subtitles and then.

    You have an option called subtitle settings let's click on it once then the first option that you see is spoken language English so this is the language that you want to speak to that you want.

    To speak into your mind this is the input language so here it will be English when you are talking in English then the second option is subtitle language okay so this is the language in.

    Which the subtitles will appear you can

    Definitely choose English again or if you want it to be translated it for Hindi or Arabic or Spanish or French or German you can use that for it okay so.

    Let's go ahead and use in these okay and then the third option is the microphone so this option shows you the different microphones that are connected to your computer or this is my inbuilt mic for.

    The laptop as well appearing now so when I connect the mind or a headphone it will appear here so you need to make sure that you select the correct mic in which you will be speaking to.

    When you are giving the presentation okay and the next four options are the placements of your subtitles for example if you are or if you want your sub palace to appear on the bottom of this.

    Line overlaid or below this line you can sell it on the above this slide you can separately let's select bottom over there so again these are the options which you need to select the forces.

    Input language the second is the output language of the subtitles however they no be translated in appeared and which microphone I need to talk and where do you want them subtract.

    To stop here so we have selected this option input will be English and then the output the taciturn language of the separator will appear in Hindi so this cannot be done before the presentation.

    This runs and appears when you are giving a live presentation upon your presentation is on so now to see your subtitle for how are you you need to run the presentation so let's go in f5 or.

    Click on the slideshow icon let us click on slideshow and see what happens this is chatting subtitles soundlessly then you speak into the mic and say how are you you see.

    The translation of hi how are you appears okay then if you want let's see how does it appear in Arabic a better language.

    Let's go into it let's try it again how are you this is how you can actually have live subtitles and wow your audience so there will be amazed how you are talking in simultaneous the.

    Real-time subtitles appear on the bottom so thanks for watching guys please make sure to you like share and subscribe to my video thanks for watching have a good day bye bye.

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