Whole Health Matters: A 360-Degree Perspective of Your Well-being Office

Whole Health Matters: A 360-Degree Perspective of Your Well-being Office Carly Lutz: All right. Good morning, everyone. Happy Friday. Good morning. Good morning, Angela. Deanna Georgina. Good to see you Maggie. Good morning everyone. Just to make sure the chat's working. Oh, I see some chats coming in already. Just shoot us a message in the chat..

Want to make sure that's working so we can interact with you throughout the session today. Amazing. Good morning. Hi, Maggie. All right, we'll go ahead and get started. All right, everyone. Great to see you today. My name is Carly. I'm our director of community here at LearniT and joined with me is the wonderful Bindi Delaney..

Uh, who's one of our lead professional development instructors and, uh, our instructor leading the charge on all things, health and wellness for. Um, so I want to welcome you today to our session on whole health matters and looking at a 360 degree view of your health. Uh, just some context on learn it and who we are and this community. We are a learning and development organization. Based out of San Francisco, California. Uh, but we are based all over. And like many of you working in a hybrid environment, I'm currently in Mexico city bindeez and San Diego. So we're thrilled to be joined with you, uh, from all areas of the world..

It's so fun to see so many people with. Joining these events from around the globe. Um, the, our goal really is to make the learning and the school, the skills that we learn in our full length workshops that we do with our clients, accessible to everybody through these, uh, biweekly Friday events and through our larger community called offsite, um, which has grown into 5,000 plus, uh, business professionals from around the world. So I'll speak a little bit more about that at the end of the session. But just some housekeeping items for today. Before I hand the floor over to Bindi, um, we are using zoom webinar, so we will.

Be able to connect with you via the chat. So please do add your comments into the chat and you can also ask specific questions using the Q and a button at the bottom of your screen here. It says two and a, and you can submit questions directly to, um, me and Bindi as the. And that way I can make sure to capture those throughout the session. So if you can please use the Q and a, uh, section at the bottom of the screen to enter your questions, and then we'll use comments for chat. Thank you so much everyone. And with that, I want to hand it over to Bindi who will be taking us through our workshop this morning..

Bindi Delaney: Hi Bindi. Hi. Thanks Kelly. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night. I'd see. Everyone is joining us from all over the world, which is fantastic to have you all here. Today. Um, I'm thrilled to be taking us through, um, a, a little bit of taste of one of our newest workshops in our health and wellness competency, um, here at Lennon. So let's get started. Um, I thought you might like to know a little bit about me and just kind of my background..

Whole Health Matters: A 360-Degree Perspective of Your Well-being

Um, you can tell that I am Australian than my name gives it away, but my accent as well. Um, but I am in, in California. Sunny San Diego at the moment. Um, but I've been in education and health and wellness for over 15 years. I've done a lot of different roles, um, from anywhere from the frontline of, you know, working in helping other people with their health and wellness goals. Um, mainly in the education side. So I've been teaching and developing courses, um, both on soft skills, like communication, um, emotional, intense, But also, also particularly in health and wellness as well..

Uh, both here in California, um, and in Australia. Um, but what really brings me joy, um, in this learning journey is the empowerment that education brings, um, and that empowered. Always be learning. So it brings me great joy to have you all here today to kind of check out, you know, what we're, what we're offering on site for teaching. Um, and I love that you all are joining us in this journey. So thank you very much for, for being here today. So let's get started. Let's have a look at what this new course is all about..

So it is whole health matters, a 360 degree perspective of your wellbeing. And I want to start with a quote. Rethinking is more likely to happen in a learning culture where growth is the core value and rethinking cycles are routine. In learning cultures, the norm is for people to know what they don't know and doubt their existing practices and stay curious about new routines to try out..

And that is a quote from Adam Grant, who is an author of think again. And that's what this workshop workshop is all about. It's about staying curious and looking at your whole health with a lens of self-awareness and curiosity. And you can actively participate in your health, right. You know what works for you? You know what doesn't work. And that's why this workshop dives into that interconnected health pattern of full main areas, nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and your emotional wellbeing..

So an overview of what this workshop is. Our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing matter more now, really than ever before. Right. We've had an incredible couple of years across the globe and it's still continuing on as a incredible couple of years ahead. But we need to gain control of our health through the learning of already science-backed research and resources. Right. We can discover how to achieve things like our work-life balance, um, with an emphasis on nutritious eating, um, how we get moving in, out exercise, our sleep,.

And of course our emotional wellbeing. And taking care of your whole health, you will then realize the benefits of things like what we're all striving for. Stress reduction, big one in today's workplace, right? Reduced illness, increased work productivity, and even a positive mindset. So the workshop will take us through that 360 degrees looking at why it matters and what it means. We would explore in the full workshop, different approaches that you can take,.

    Um, to remain curious and bring in this new self-awareness the workshop overall

    Is really for anyone, for all of you, for anyone that you work with for your family members, looking to take charge of your health by making helpful changes in those four areas that we've identified. So today, now that I've given you a little bit of an overview, we're going to take a sneak peek into the beginning of the workshop. Um, and we're going to start out, I'm just testing out some of the new content. Um, so you can get a little taste, um, this morning while you're with us. So before we get started, any questions, Kali, has anything popped up?.

    Any thoughts or comments from our participants for today? Carly Lutz: No comments just yet. Thanks so much Bindi Delaney: bendy. No worries, please. At any time, if you have questions, you have comments, feel free, put it in the chat message, um, Kali and let us know. And we'd love to interact with you if you have any, any thoughts as we move through. All right. Let's get started. So what is whole health? Might've heard that term before. I want you to have a think about a word that you could.

    Use to describe whole health. What does it mean to you? And I'd love for you to share it in the chat. Thank you. You mind, body and spirit. So please share in the chat. What does it mean to you whole. We'll give you a moment to find your keyboards, to share your thoughts on whole health, Sophia wellbeing..

    And one says me, the whole health is me taking care of your total self, your emotional, your mental, your physical, right? Your, your balance of work and health and social comments coming in fast. Now, while we're finding our keyboards, mind, and body and feeling well. So there's so many different terms and thoughts that we can have a look at when we think of whole health. I love this one, too alignment of the mind, body and spirit and overall happiness, but a great comment there. So home health is all of those things, and it is everything that you have described.

    Because there are many definitions of. So the actual concept of whole health was first, um, driven by research in the world of healthcare. Um, and according to the national center for complementary and integrative health, whole health actually involves looking at the whole person. So not remembering the medical field in not all guns or body systems, but in. Of treating a specific disease. It's about empowering people to focus on restoring and promoting health in multiple.

    Interconnected, biological, behavioral, social, and environmental areas. So that's one way to consider a whole. Another way, uh, by the national Institute of whole health, um, they were established in 1977, so they have been around for awhile, um, and they approach whole health from five essential aspects of each individual's life that is physical, emotional, nutritional, environmental, and spiritual wellbeing. And these aspects influence the quality and the function of a person's health and health behaviors..

    So that's where we started with defining whole health is sort of where that term started to come about, but the purposes of you and I, and all of us together today above all whole health. Defining whole health, really, either about putting you in the control of your care with a focus of your own self-awareness you'll own self care and your skill building, and it's putting you right. And what matters most at the center. And that's what whole health is, um, for us today..

    Any thoughts, questions, or comments, please feel free to dive into the chat. Let us know. So now that we've defined it. Let's move on and have a look at what we would be doing in this workshop together. So the workshop, as we mentioned, travels 360 degrees is lovely circle all around and we would investigate four areas. Um, as we've talked about to help you achieve whole health and the four pillars that we will focus on. Um, and these are ones that are widely agreed by our health experts.

    That are crucial to your wellbeing is your emotional wellbeing. And the science, particularly behind rewiring your brain to the positive, we would look at physical activity and the benefits of, you know, what activity and movement has in your work productivity, um, and how easy it is to increase movement each day. We would look at healthy eating and nutrition, and this one would come from a lens of self-awareness. Um, an interesting take for, for healthy eating..

    It's not your normal, here's your dietary changes section. Um, this one does dive in a little bit differently, um, to

    Some more modern research around mindfulness and the healthy eating. And then we would have a look at the end and sleep patterns and look at how we can break free from some of those habits on, especially if we have transitioned to remote work, um, from being in the office and how those routines sort of have disrupted our sleep patterns as well. So those are the four areas of whole health that help put you into the driving seat of your wellbeing..

    So to start before we even get into individual ones, we need to have a look at your awareness around your current pattern. How do you know where you're going to go? If you don't know where you are right now? So the first question, I want you to grab a piece of paper by your cell phone, a document on your computer, whatever. You've got to jot something down. And I want you to write down in answer to this Fest question. How often do you focus on the positive. And this is for you. Self-awareness question. You don't have to share this in the chat. This is not a group discussion on who focuses on the positive and who doesn't..

    I just want you to have a think. How often do you focus on the positive? No. Give me 10 seconds to write that down. There's no wrong answer. There could be daily could be weekly. It could be every minute could be once a year, whatever you think is your reflection on your, your positive mindset. The next question, how much movement do you do daily? And notice I haven't asked, how often do you go to the gym or go for a run? I've asked how much movement do you do daily?.

    Give you 10 seconds. I'll be sorry. We've got this question. What do you eat each day? No, that's a loaded question. So I want you to keep a general, right? Do you eat lots of fruits and vegetables and protein? Do you find you eat sort of easy, a quick stuff that might be packaged and, and quick eat? What, what are you eating in general? I'll give you another 10 seconds. What do you eat each day?.

    And then the next question, what are your sleeping patterns? You have the patent at all. Do you go to bed at the same time? Wake up at the same time. Do you have little kids at home? Your sleep is constantly disrupted. Do you have a crazy work life where you are always on? What are your sleeping patterns? So moving on and building on from your initial set up first, self-awareness here..

    I want you to have a minute now to write down changes that you want to make in your wellbeing. So is there any significant change you could make to help you at home at work for your health and the way that you want to sort of address this? Is these questions on the screen here. First of all, is what is important to you. What matters to you in the long run. And then what do you truly care about? And these questions start to help shape any major changes that you.

    Might like to make in your health. So I'm going to give you a little bit longer to answer this one here, give you about 45 seconds to a minute, and don't be silent as you answer these questions for yourself. Another 30 seconds. Just to jot down some ideas. You're not writing a whole novel here. Just a few ideas on these questions..

    Okay. Again, with just lifting the lid on a little bit more. Self-awareness on where we are at currently with our health and what is important to us. So we have one more deep dive because we have to start here with some self-reflection and self-awareness. So now we get a little bit deeper into the four pillars that we would be looking at in this workshop. And I want you to rate on a scale of one to 10 for each pillar. So for emotional wellbeing, reflect on this..

    Where are you now on a scale of one to 10. And where do you want to be? So one being obviously a lot of change, a lot of improvement that you might like to make 10 being I'm nailing it. My emotional wellbeing is 10 out of 10. I'm good with that area to start to have a think about where you might be in each of these four pillars, physical activity, diet, and nutrition, and your sleep..

    And again, I'm just going to give you that 30, 30, 40 seconds to think about. Another 20 seconds. I want you to reflect on how you currently rated yourself and if you feel comfortable to share in the chat, um, did anything surprise you? You know, what areas were you most drawn to? And it doesn't matter what you think you should focus on, right? This is about what you want to focus on. So if you feel comfortable sharing again, no, you don't have to share,.

    But what areas were you drawn to? What surprised you about reflecting on where you currently are at with your health and thank you, Sonia sleep. Yeah. So everyone will have a different area, right? That they're thinking of focusing on. And it's okay if you want to focus on all of them and it's okay if you want to focus on one of them, but it's good. Just to start with that reflection of understanding where we currently are with these ideas, emotional wellbeing, very big, very important.

    One in all the global unrest going on at the moment, physical nutrition and. Yeah. Some sleep, lots of sleep. Yeah. Maybe diet and nutrition, changing our habits. Maybe there's some challenges there. Movement. Fantastic. Thank you everybody for sharing. It's great to just see the range of areas that we all different..

    What's really interesting about all of these four pillars is I've had you look at them individually, right? We've looked at what? Emotional wellbeing on its own. Where are we? Where do we want to be? We've looked at just sleep. It's actually all interconnected, right? We can actually improve, um, just one area. We need to improve them altogether because they are interconnected because our wellbeing is interconnected. I are sleeping. How much we move, what we eat affects our mood..

    If we sleep really poorly, we're really tired. Well, less likely to move. We tend to be kind of grumpy, right? We reach for comfort foods and foods. We know that aren't particularly healthy for. But then if we eat healthily, suddenly we feel charged to move and energized to get out and go for a walk. And then we suddenly sleep better because we're moving right hands up if you've ever eaten. Well, I can't see your hands, but you can, uh, give me, uh, a yes in the chat. If you've ever eaten a huge unhealthy meal or just over eaten a meal and.

    Felt terribly, emotionally, physically. To fill to move and then you've slept terrible afterwards as well. Food coma. I have a favorite pizza place down the road here, and that pizza puts me into that food coma every time I don't want to move, I sleep terrible. Right. And I definitely start to feel a little bit of regret that I ate too much. So we've all been there. Right. So everything that we talk about, I like that greasy Friday, fish fry,.

    Everything we talk about in this workshop is tied to our emotional wellbeing because our emotional wellbeing impacts your outlook on life, your relationships and your health. So taking care of your emotional wellbeing is what really matters because when you're emotionally healthy and balanced, you can actually manage the various elements of your life. And you can choose healthy pathways because you are more self aware. So that is one of the first areas that we would start with in this workshop is emotional wellbeing..

    But we want to know why it matters. And remember here at Lennon, we are definitely looking at you as a personal individual in these health and wellness courses, but we also still want to connect to this right. With your, your work and what you do for your daily living, because we all work. If we don't, we're very lucky, but we all work right. So we want to know why it actually matters for us as employees as well, or as employers or as managers, or as leaders of businesses..

    And it's because if we can focus on wellbeing, this is an awareness for all of us, right. And awareness that employers can help their employees become aware of their overall health status. Right. Providing everyone with tools to encourage people, to take care of their own choices and their own. And as employees, we notice when an employee shows concern for us, for our health, right through wellness opportunities. So as an employee or an employer or a leader, or a manager or a CEO, right..

    Having the power of knowledge to take control of your own wellbeing has enormous benefits. You have more. You have more productivity? Absenteeism overall is lower in the workforce and wellbeing inspires individual confidence, goal setting, reduce stress, and then also a reduction of employee turnover as well. So numerous benefits, not just in our own individual lives, but also in the workforce. So it would be at this point in the..

    That we would then dive into pillar number one, and we would look into starting out emotional wellbeing and we would dive into some activities here. Some self-awareness some, a breakout group activities, some discussion, um, around emotional wellbeing. And we would actually learn in this particular section, so positive mindset tricks and how we can adopt a positive mind. We would then go on and go through all of the next pill as diving into each one, individually, looking at how that connected, but with that undercurrent of.

    Emotional wellbeing being very important. And that first and foremost, that runs through all about interconnected wellbeing. So, if you were to come to our full-time full-time workshop, right? You've had a little taste, but if you had to come and spend that couple hours with myself, with learning with any of our facilitators here, diving into your whole health, um, you'll actually find that it is a very, uh, engaging workshop in terms of activities. So you're not just going to sit there and listen. Um, but you have to be engaged because you would be involved in numerous things..

    Self-reflection activities similar to some of those ones we started with today, you would be in breakout engagement activities. Um, there's some imaging inquiry. You would be working with other people in the group together to kind of look at, um, diving into some of those things that matter in whole. There's some movement activities. Um, and you're going to learn a little bit about how we can get moving and engage in some of those activities. And then some self-awareness and remember something a little different.

    New out there in science at the moment with mindful eating exploration, and we'll be diving into that together. And so overall as a wrap up, all of our whole health matters, right? You are in control of your whole health. And after the workshop, looking at all of those interconnected well-beings, you will learn how to focus on the. With tangible takeaway tasks, you'll learn to bring awareness to your eating. You'll learn to get your body moving a little bit more and know it doesn't involve treadmills in the gym and you learn how to improve and analyze your.

    Sleep habits, but overall, looking at how you can be in control and change. What matters to you in your whole health? So that is everything for me for today. Um, I really appreciate you all staying here and, and engaging in just a little taste of, of our newest workshop. Um, I'll hand it back to you, Kali. I know we might have some Q and a sessions coming up, um, but back to you. Carly Lutz: And thank you so much for, for just this session and the reflection time we got during this, during this short taste..

    Um, everyone, if you enjoyed today's session and can just give us a little bit of love in the chat, it's always fun to see your reactions, maybe throw in a little emoji, um, whatever feels authentic to you. Uh, we really appreciate this. And I appreciate you being here. And we also have time for question and answer, but kind of like, as Mindy said, you know, the session today was meant to give you a taste and give you just a couple reflection, uh, kind of prompts to get you thinking about your whole health, but. Well, you know, that whole health and your health right, is not just, you know,.

    Take one workshop and you're good to go. Right. It's, it's a whole journey. Um, and so with that, we'll go into some more ways you can dive deeper, but I think we'll go, we have a little bit of time for question and answer. Um, and one bit, uh, just to kind of start us. I know we have a couple of people in the chat, but everyone, if you have questions, please start to enter those into the Q and a. But one question I had for you Bindi was I know it can be a lot to try to focus on or trying to look at all the pillars at once. Like maybe you're like, oh wow. I'm at a four at all of mine right now for me, especially.

    Sleep is not as probably one. I really need to work on the most, but all of them could use a little bit of work. So how do you kind of combat feeling overwhelmed to try to kind of tackle everything and be like, oh shoot. I should feel at rather than being hard on yourself, how can we kind of think about. Um, you know, if there's one you want to tackle, do you recommend trying to improve all of them incrementally or starting with one? You know, just, I'm curious what your take is on that and kind of what the, what the workshop philosophy. Bindi Delaney: Yeah, so a really good question, Kelly. Um, so looking at those four particular pillars that we focus on in the.

    Workshop, um, the first and most important one really is emotional wellbeing because if we aren't in a positive mindset than everything. Challenging. If we are more negative on ourselves and not kind to ourselves, then it's going to be really hard to make changes in our nutrition, in our movement, in our sleep patterns. So we all sort of want to focus in on that emotional wellbeing. Um, but in terms of changes in our other pillars, I'm sure everyone can sort of identify with this. If you go with too many changes at once, it can become really challenging. Um, so almost like that idea where if you have 10 priorities,.

    You have no priorities right. Too much at once is really hard for, for us as humans, um, to actually adopt it and make changes. So we look at all of those pillars, um, but we really do. Focusing on one particular area for each of you. So you would sort of choose after the workshop where you want to start and go into one of those pillars specifically to stop before. So to jumping in and all of them, but at least gaining that knowledge behind all four pillars..

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