Automate every industry using Microsoft Power Automate with Roma Gupta #LessCodeMorePower

Automate every industry using Microsoft Power Automate with Roma Gupta #LessCodeMorePower >> Hello. On today's episode of LessCodeMorePower, Roma Gupta is going to tell us how to automate all the things, including your plants existence. [MUSIC] >> Hello, and welcome back to LessCodeMorePower..

I'm one of your host Dona Sarkar, and this lovely human over here is Sarah Critchley. >> Hey, everyone. How're you doing? >> Today, we have a fantastic guest with us. Roma Gupta is joining us from Johannesburg,.

One of my favorite places on the planet, where we both wish we were right now with you. Today, she's going to be sharing us the secret of how Power Automate will take over the world because you can automate everything..

Roma, please join us. >> Hi. >> Hi. >> Hi, Dona. >> Hi, Sarah..

>> Hey. >> You're so excited you're joining us today. >> I am. I have like two superheroes with me today. >> That is so sweet. Tell everyone who you are and what you do. >> I'm Roma Gupta, joining from Johannesburg..

I am a Dynamics 365 and Power Platform consultant. I literally break applications. I have more than 25 Microsoft tickets open already and closed as well. Microsoft has been so grateful to me..

Automate every industry using Microsoft Power Automate with Roma Gupta #LessCodeMorePower

Today, I'm going to show you some exciting things as well. >> Fabulous. We hear you're one of a huge fan of Power Automate, and you can make people's lives so much easier at work, but also at home. Do you want to share with us your story.

Of how you got into Power Automate and what is this project you're doing that involves [inaudible]? >> I've been using the Power Automating project to work. Those site after office hours and then when you want to relax, actually..

I have got a little small garden with me at home. But sometimes I care, sometimes I forgot, and then I've got insecticides and running again all over to get all those plants fixes. I said, "Let's automate my garden.

And bring it back to life actually using Power Automate." I did it, and I made it. It was not even 30 minutes or so, I made the Power Automate, I left it running, and now I'm going to show you at the end some cool stuff and.

How the plants are bringing back to life using Power Automate as bit. >> I love that. That's amazing. I love that you've taken your experience and your expertise from your work..

Because you will have seen Power Automate using pretty much every industry. You've got so much knowledge, so much experience from that, but now you're saying it can actually.

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    Help your personal life, plants.

    I love that you're bringing it back to agriculture. I think that's great. >> That is really cool. >> Yes..

    >> Show us shots now that you've pulled this. >> Yeah. I could use this. I'm looking forward to using this solution to make sure I don't kill every plant that I own. I have seen it in every industry, so let me quickly show you my Power Automate,.

    Which is helping me with my plants. To be very honest, I have a quick three steps but it's going to go in deep dive quickly, it's a reoccurring one. It tells me every Saturday in the evening that, "Roma,.

    You have to do those thing," and I'm going to show you my source file as well. It is insecticides and pesticides, so I take care of the bees and the flower small insects that come in.

    During the day for flowering and grooming, and then it goes to my source table. I have a source table on the Excel, it's basically the two things that apply to my plant, insecticide and the neem oil that is biodegradable,.

    And I go back to my Power Automate. It's literally just bring those things back. The main thing is the condition over here which I have. There's a condition, it checks for the seven days thing. It checks, when was the last thing applied?.

    If the last thing was insecticide, this time, I have to apply the neem oil. It goes like back in [inaudible] , and then whatever comes back, it sends me an e-mail,.

    On my personal e-mail, and it says reminder to take care of the plants, and I've set all the fancy fonts. It says Love Power Automate to show all the love. It also fetches the medicine name,.

    And it gives me on what date I have applied, and then it goes back and applies that same date back to my Excel, so I have my entire schedule ready for my plants to take care. >> That's epic. >> That is the love,.

    The signature, the cute font,

    That is so cool because this is not just an annoying reminder, you're delighted to get it. >> Exactly. The e-mail comes in this format, so it's not some cheesy, old, boring e-mail..

    I've taken it as red, I've sent the fonts, you can easily bold it, and even if you want to apply the importance, you can do that easily..

    Let me also show you something very special that the plants have given me back. The things we do in community, we give it back. I have given it back to the nature as well. Here it is. >> Wow..

    >> Wow. Those are gorgeous. >> That is such a lovely plant. >> That is a beautiful [inaudible] I don't understand how you have this plant. I can't picture it like a cactus..

    [inaudible]. >> They're stunning, so I'm really happy about this. >> Yes. We ran this, we saw this, and we grabbed it. This plant over here was almost did.

    [inaudible] infection that came from the rose plant basically, and the pictures now is after applying those care and neem oil and all those insecticides, the plant fall basically, and this is the final result which you are seeing right now..

    >> That's amazing. It's what you said, Dona. You've not created something that you just got to ignore. It's annoying like, I mean, we don't enjoy getting e-mails, especially like thousands a day or whatever ends up being..

    I'm a big fan of removing barriers for people to do stuff. So if you make it easy for something to happen, and it's more likely got to happen, and this is what you've done. Use this Power Automates to make it.

    Easy to remind yourself to do something. >> Yeah. >> That's so awesome. You can use a similar pattern for pretty much anything, right? >> Yes. Anything, everywhere, anywhere, I should say..

    >> You can be like, give your keppra meds, and do household chores, file your taxes, pay this monthly thing. There's just so many things. You know what I learned today that was.

    So eye-opening and I should know that, but I didn't, that you can set, create a font and color in Power Automate, I did not know that. I think about look as a monolithic thing like Outlook [inaudible]. >> I can just imagine how dangerous you're going to be now, Dona..

    You're going to open up Power Automate after this episode, and start coloring things. >> All the mails are fuchsia for further notice. >> I'm going to get these pink e-mails from you. This is a beautiful one..

    I just think that this is great because it's almost like situational, what you said like this that you need to know something about to help or just permanently as well, like a general re-occurrence,.

    And it seems very simple. Roma, how long did it take for you to make this? >> Honestly, 30 minutes. >> Cool. Wait. What? That's pretty epic. >> It worked in 30 minutes?.

    Like it was like. "So that's it. Done?" >> Yeah. It was that's it. Just do this. I created a source file. I was honestly doing it using variables, but I was like, "No," because I want to also know which date I.

    Applied what as a backdrop check. I used the Excel because I use it so frequent in my daily life. I use the Excel, put it on the Power Automate, and in the condition on how frequently I want to use it. That's it. The e-mail sent,.

    The dates is automatically applied, done. >> That's nice. Excel just makes it so much accessible. This is great. We've heard you've got some homework for us, what's the action that you want to share?.

    Because I know that you are really active in a community, Roma. You do so much stuff like groups and community staff involvement, can you tell everyone about that? Then what's the homework for the audience today? >> I have a very special homework for everyone.

    Of you out there who are seeing this right now. I want to tell you this. Join the platform community first, and leverage the use of Power Automate as well in your daily lives and everywhere..

    You don't need everything to be told by your boss, and officially signed. Just meet your work effective and efficient, and also take care of your teammates as well using Power Automate. Then you can use.

    Your extra time for the coffee and for your loved ones. For the homework, do this, join the community, get to know your pain area, automate it, and then follow D365 chance because I'm also the lead of that. Then maybe I can give you.

    A chance to showcase your demo at our meetup. >> I love this organization. [inaudible] match in gradient. >> I love this. I feel like I need to get this deck from you. >> Really nice work. I love this color, so interesting..

    You're like, "Roma, you're a hero." Okay, Roma? Thank you so much for joining us today. This is beautiful. >> This is great. Well, thank you so much. This is awesome. With that in mind, thank you to the audience for watching..

    All of the links that Roma just talked about will be down in the description. Please do reach out if you have any questions. With that in mind, Less Code. >> More power..

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