Create Beautiful Charts in PowerPoint Tool Smart Companies Use

Create Beautiful Charts in PowerPoint Tool Smart Companies Use Using charts in corporate presentations is a must it's the easiest way of visualizing what's going on in the business now there are different ways you can present this information let's.

Say you're up next and you need to go in front of management to present them the impact of two separate budget scenarios scenario one is conservative and scenario two is more aggressive you.

Wanna bring attention to scenario two which is your preferred scenario so one way is just to present the slides like this another way is to combine the scenarios together and present it like.

This we can immediately compare the two scenarios with one another we can compare each change see the total impact and add a nice descriptive header so if.

You really wanted to make an impression you'd go with the second one but the second one comes with problems like how how do you even create such a slide when do you even have the time to.

Do this well what if i told you that creating the second chart can take you five minutes max and it's gonna be a very enjoyable five minutes let me explain.

Create Beautiful Charts in PowerPoint Tool Smart Companies Use

[Music] full disclosure i'm gonna be up front here so you've probably guessed it this is using an add-in but it's not just any add-in this is the add-in that's trusted.

By 80 of the fortune 100 companies and more than 22 000 companies around the world it's called think-cell i actually got to know them years ago when i was working in a corporate job the companies.

That i consulted later on were also using this it just made creating impressive charts so much easier now when they sent me their latest version a few weeks ago i.

Was really impressed with the new features that they added in the meantime think-cell was kind enough to sponsor today's video so that i can show you the benefits of this productivity tool in.

Action now if you want to check them out i added a link to the description of this video great news is that you get to try it for free and you get a full featured.

Version and enough time to surprise your boss with amazing charts so they've been kind enough to give us a special extended trial period for you to try out not only.

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    Will you save time creating these charts

    But you get your presentations to stand out a lot more let me give you an idea of what it can do and if it's worth trying out first thing is to download.

    And install the think-cell add-in once you do that and you open up powerpoint you go to the insert tab and you're going to see a think cell group here when you click on the elements you are.

    Going to see some amazing charts here now some of these might look familiar to you but they actually have more features than the ones you're used to so we are going to do an example in a second with.

    This stacked column and you're going to see that notice that you get the ability to insert these in different ways you can insert it as a bar chart the other way around and even upside down if you.

    Choose to you have the ability to add a waterfall chart a mecho chart gantt chart a table and other graphical elements like a harvey ball checkbox chapters table of contents and so on.

    Now under this other menu here you get additional productivity features for linking for collaboration or different features to finalize your presentation now if you get stuck there are really.

    Great tutorials here that you can watch now let's do an example so let's say that you need to present the sales development for your products during your next meeting now you summarize the.

    Data but you don't want to present it like this instead you want to visualize it with a professional chart so that you can showcase the great work that your team.

    Has been doing you want your boss to take a look at that and be like wow that was a great presentation okay so let's get to work first thing i'm going to do is to remove this now let's go to.

    Elements and insert a stacked column

    Chart so we're just going to click on this and then we're going to get this box we can drop it anywhere on our slide and you can resize it anytime as well.

    The moment you drop it a data sheet opens up so think cell uses a customized microsoft excel sheet for your data input you can use this in the same way as regular excel although there is no.

    Ribbon and it has some limitations on columns and rows but it's going to be sufficient for most purposes so you can use the same shortcut keys you can also use formulas if you want now if you're.

    Used to using your own excel files don't worry you can also work the other way around so your starting point can be excel and then you create your charts in powerpoint and we're going to do an.

    Example right after this one so we get the sample data if i close this this is currently how our chart looks notice we automatically get totals for these stacks and we get the series labels.

    Properly positioned beside the series this is so much easier to read than having a legend up here or down here where we have to spend time trying to match the color with the right stack now.

    Obviously we want to have our own data in here so let me go and grab the data from excel i'm just going to copy it let's open up the datasheet again we just have to double click.

    And then let's go and paste this in that's it when i close the data sheet i already see my chart has been updated so you can adjust this as you need i'm going to expand this and let's make some.

    Changes so the first thing i want to do is add a visual break between 2019 to 2022 so i'm going to click on the gap between these two and i'm going to first extend that gap now when i right mouse.

    Click here i get different properties that are available for this object so notice some of these are grayed out i can't use these but some are options that i have so for example one is to add.

    Tick marks or remove tick marks one option that i actually want to use here is to add a baseline break this is going to visually show that there is a gap between the years next thing i want to.

    Do is update the color of these stacks to select the stacks in one go i'm going to select the first one hold down shift and select the last one now i get this menu pop up here and i get to pick the.

    Color that i want now the color comes from the theme color of powerpoint currently i'm just using the standard theme so i'm going to go with that now i'm gonna follow a similar approach to.

    The next one so hold down shift select the last stack update the color i'll go with 60 for this one i want this one to stand out more so i'm.

    Gonna go with accent four and for that top one let's go with smoke forty percent okay so so far so good next thing we're.

    Going to do is add an axis for this let's right click on the chart i get this really cool pop-up with the different options that i have for the charts i get a lot more and different.

    Options than i had before i want to add an axis so when i hover over this i can see it says add y-axis that's the one i want let's select that that puts the axis here and it automatically move the.

    Labels to the side and let's just make this a bit thinner next let's add a label to our y-axis i'm gonna select the axes and here again i get different options i.

    Want to add a label so that's this one right here add title i'm just gonna click and type in my title now we also want to show a growth rate with a kegger line let's right click on.

    The chart and i have the option to add a keger line right here so add compound growth rate but notice i have these different options too i can add the level difference arrow or add a total.

    Difference arrow so for example this one is something that a lot of people use this shows the difference from these two years but let's say i want to show it for the entire period i can just click.

    On that last data point and drag it and drop it where i want and everything automatically updates in this case i don't want that so you can just remove it by pressing delete or going with ctrl.

    Z you can also right mouse click and use the delete option from here so i wanted a keger line i'm going to right mouse click and go with this option and that adds one for the entire time period now.

    Let's say i only want it until 2019 because i want to bring attention to that change so i'm going to drag this data point and drop it here and my values automatically adjust it gave me.

    One decimal place but you can change that if you want you could add two decimal points or no decimal points you can also adjust the font and go according to the font that you use at.

    The company i also want to add a better title for this i'm going to add kager press enter 2014 till 2019 just to make it clear what this plus five percent is for.

    Okay so so far so good now let's also adjust these labels and add the growth rate for each series because that gives us a quick insight into how these products have developed.

    So to select all of these labels you can use the shortcut key control a this selects similar objects then from this floating dialog box we can adjust the labels currently it's in series but i'm.

    Going to update it to series kager we can also add some absolute and relative labels to the budget column this time i can't use my shortcut key ctrl a because if i do that it's going to select all of.

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