Dashboard Showcase and Review: Sales Dashboard by Akash Bagul BONUS

Dashboard Showcase and Review: Sales Dashboard by Akash Bagul BONUS My friends so this is a bonus segment of our dashboard showcase and makeover this is the report we're going to review this was sent.

In by akash and we missed covering it in our regular session so hey i figured i would do it now all right akash so first of all thank you so much for sending this in.

Uh folks if you have never heard of dashboard showcase and makeover just go to learnpowerbi.com dashboard and the idea behind this is this simple statement that in this day.

And age you can't hope to succeed by just doing good work you gotta do good work but you gotta tell great stories so this is our.

Platform for our students and for our youtube followers to get that chance get that opportunity and because we don't want people to wait.

For the perfect story we want them to start telling their stories so they can make them perfect all right so again akash kudos for sending this in and i will say boy there is a lot.

Dashboard Showcase and Review: Sales Dashboard by Akash Bagul BONUS

Going on in this report so clearly you're not you're not yeah you're being around the block with power bi uh so there's a lot of good stuff here.

But again we're gonna evaluate it more from the dashboard visualization perspective uh so let's uh so he has a lot i'm not sure i may or may not cover all of it.

But i will give you guys a tour of what he has so he has starts off with this main page and main results and it seems um slicers that you can.

I'm assuming that these are kind of synced slicer that you can set this and it'll apply to all other pages which is a smart way to do it and right on this page.

It's it's nice that he he puts some numbers there and which is good because you can see the impact kind of right away and yeah it's less boring not just a.

Navigation page but that you know so it starts with a landing page it has some instructions on here so really well done a lot of bookmarks and all this stuff.

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    So this is great this is well designed

    You click go and then you takes you to the overview page and then of course there is his country customer product analysis and.

    Maybe my favorite simulator which is basically a what if analysis so i think from the dashboard design perspective i'll just stick on this one and i think generally that may apply to.

    Others so again let's start with a squint test so i'm going to half close my eyes and see what pops out at me and actually this one is really tough and i think the.

    Oddly enough the bottom elements are popping out which is odd because generally the the uh when we look at the screen at our dashboard then um then it's it's the top left.

    That's higher priority and because generally we scan from the top left and we go left to right top to bottom but i think this one stands out in the.

    Squid test because because it's again the blue the contrast of blue against red and there's a lot of color pixel there's a lot of color filled in here.

    So that stands out and again i i don't suspect that's by design usually people don't want to right i mean usually right the stuff at the top is more important so you may want to.

    Consider that so that's a squint test let's look at the anatomy of the dashboard so you've seen my power bi power pattern and we start off with kind of high level.

    Numbers show some breakdowns show some trends and a little bit of detail that's how i like to do things so if you go back to this one it definitely has the high level numbers.

    It has a breakdowns it has

    Trends here trends here trends here so yeah things are looking good uh yep so i think it's got definitely kind of the right elements there.

    Uh maybe some of the things that can be improved so if you kind of put on our our steven few hat is of course we always talk about data pixels versus.

    Non-data pixels and the goal is to minimize the non-data pixel uh start with the background so you can have like a dark background or colored background.

    But you know you also have a grading like it starts off in this shade and changes to this shade um that is not efficient as far as data pixels and non-data pixels.

    Are concerned so see if you can just use one flat background not not have this gradient because again we don't we don't want that tension.

    There we want the tension on the data uh so again just keep looking at it from the lens so so this uh this background this border is non-data pixel i think there's a.

    Little bit of a shadow i think this does have shadow effect shadow that is non-data pixel uh these ones are colored in with a different color i think that.

    Is non-data pixel uh so yeah so look at these elements and and you be the judge right so again you can try it you can just try say okay.

    What would it look like if i did eliminate or minimize some of these non-data pixels and just see if it works right so and again if it doesn't work maybe bring.

    Someone somewhere back but again if you can't eliminate it then minimize it right so um yeah right so you know yeah try try a more gentle.

    Approach so you can try that that um see how that works let's see if there's anything else man i mean it's a good looking dashboard gosh and actually you know.

    Somebody may argue like steven from argue like these in audiopixel but i think that's really working for me and actually i don't know i may borrow that tip from.

    You i mean somehow just putting that icon there it's it's working for me i think that's that's a that yeah that's really awesome and i.

    Can see how you're using it consistently even in the tool tip gosh that's phenomenal so folks here i'll wait for the tooltip yeah the the same i can total sale that always has.

    That so that's really really effective let me see what else can i add feedback on.

    Yeah so i think certainly the squint test i mean usually you want the first thing for them to pay attention is to the high level numbers so you may want to do.

    Something to make that kind of stand out a bit because right now it's it's it's not yeah even though it's at the top even though it's bold.

    Uh maybe tone down these colors right so sometimes i joke that my dashboards are like 50 shades of grey or you know they're like yeah they're not yeah.

    Yeah so you know you can use kind of gentler colors gentler contrast right now the contrast between red and blue is so bright that it's just drawing the eye to these elements because they're using.

    A lot of ink and again sometimes i think of dashboard design as that i have to pay for every pixel and the brighter the pixel is the more i have to pay for it.

    So how would you spend your money would you really spend your ink like i mean just deep blue and this red this contrast so yeah so you can think about it that.

    Way so i think this one definitely we can do we should do something to shine another thing you may or may not want to do is that are they.

    All apples or basically group them right so so total sales gross margin gross margin percentage maybe maybe make that one block and then.

    Total cost and total returns in one block you can think about that you can think about how you want them to see and navigate that.

    But yeah good stuff boy actually great stuff man this is yeah quite stunning quite stunning so there are other other tabs here that.

    You can click and i'm just going to show that to the audience but i'm not going to necessarily comment on each one but except saying that man.

    Really good stuff yeah i mean i checked out all these pages and and yeah they're they're pretty phenomenal so i'll wait for this to load yeah cause this graph.

    Uh this can be a very effective graph and can weigh a lot of information like the low points high points that sort of stuff so that's good stuff let's look at.

    Customers really quick a lot of deep analysis this analysis new customer lost customer it's yeah it's it's sophisticated it's not something you start off with but uh.

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