Power Automate Dynamic Conditional Approvals with SharePoint List Select Approvers & Approval Type

Power Automate Dynamic Conditional Approvals with SharePoint List Select Approvers & Approval Type Hello everyone reza here in this video i will show you how to create conditional and dynamic approvals the scenario for conditional approvals will be travel request.

If the amount that the user plugs in for the travel request is greater than 500 we will add an additional layer of approval from the user's manager and once the manager approves we will route.

The approval to the hr team in the second scenario we will allow the users to start the approval process on demand pick the approvers they want dynamically.

And the approval type or the approval pattern so let's check it out in action the first scenario is around value-based conditional approval.

The use cases a travel request scenario users create these travel requests in a sharepoint list based upon the amount that the user enters for the travel request.

If that value is greater than or equal to a certain amount we will enforce manager approval for that travel request and then it will go to the second level of approval which is.

Power Automate Dynamic Conditional Approvals with SharePoint List Select Approvers & Approval Type

Dhr approval if the dollar amount for the travel request is less than the specified amount it will directly go to the hr approval.

The travel request list i can fill the details of the travel request start date end date pick the airlines i want to travel with and then enter the estimated airfare.

I'll click save and that information will be logged in my travel request list i've created two columns to track the approval scenario one of them is the approval status which.

Has the following statuses default status new and then the approval comments which is a multi-line text field to track the commands logged during the process.

To create the approval workflow in power automate i will select an automated cloud flow that triggers when an item is created in a sharepoint list.

I'll click create in the trigger i'll pick my sharepoint site and my sharepoint list for the created item.

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    I need to first check

    If the estimated airfare let's say is greater than or equal to 500 if that's the case i need to include the user's manager's approval first for the.

    Travel request i will add a simple condition pick the condition control the value will come from dynamic content estimated airfare.

    If this is greater than or equal to 500 i need to get an approval from the user's manager.

    And to get the manager information for the user who created the item i will add an action the action is called get manager from the office 365 users connector.

    The user principal name i will pick the dynamic content property created by email from the trigger action right before starting the approval process.

    I would like to set the status of the travel request to pending manager approval for that i will update the item.

    In the same travel request list the id will come from the trigger action any mandatory fields that you have in your sharepoint list you would have to refill them in my case estimated airfare.

    Is that mandatory column so i'll refill that from the trigger my update item goal was to update the status to pending manager approval.

    And in the approval commands manager approval pending and i can even put the display name of the manager from dynamic content after this i want to start the approval.


    So i will use the start and wait for an approval action my approval type i'll pick first to respond.

    The title would be the title of the travel request that the user puts in approval request by i can put the display name of the user.

    Who created the travel request on the title assigned to the users manager so i will pick.

    The mail dynamic content property from the get manager action i can put the title the reason for travel and other pieces of information.

    I'll pick the link to item and the description of the link could be the title of the item the flow will wait for a response the response would either be approve or.

    Reject so to check the outcome of this approval i will add an action once again a condition there's a dynamic content property.

    Called outcome if this is equal to approve then we need to start the hr approval process but before doing that i want to once.

    Again update the item so i can change the status of the item to pending hr approval i will copy the update item action that i had before.

    And paste that in here i will change the approval status to pending hr approval and in the approval commands i can mention.

    Approved by the manager and i can also put the comments that the approver plugged in if the manager does not approve it in that case.

    I need to update the status of the item the status would be updated to rejected and in the approval commands i can say rejected by the manager and plug in.

    The comments that the manager put in now this completes the manager approval scenario and the next step is to begin the hr approval.

    And best practice always rename your actions there are two scenarios in which it could go to the hr approval one the estimated airfare cost is less than.

    500 so i need to start the hr approval basically i need to add that action here however if it goes to the manager approval and if the manager approves i need to then.

    Conduct the hr approval so i have to add that same logic here as well now that's duplicate logic in the flow you don't want to repeat the same set of.

    Steps in two places and in order to write that hr approval logic only once right before the manager condition i will add an action.

    In which i will initialize a variable i have renamed the action to hr approval and the variable name i've called it var hr approval type boolean.

    By default i'll keep it to true now the only scenario in which the hr approval is not required is when the manager rejects the travel request.

    Where we are checking the outcome of the manager approval if it is not equal to approved where we are updating the status of the item to rejected.

    Right after that i will add an action to set that variable which is the hr approval variable to the expression false now this variable will be true if the hr.

    Approval is needed if it's not needed it would be false so right after the manager condition i will add a new step and add my condition.

    My hr approval condition if that variable value is equal to the expression true this is true.

    We start the hr approval i'll pick first to respond my title will be hr approval request for the title of the travel request i'll assign this to my hr team now you.

    Can plug in group email addresses here in my case i'll keep it simple i'll assign this to the hr manager james i can put in the details like before i need to check the outcome of this.

    Action so i'll add a condition if the outcome of my hr approval action is approved then.

    I'll want to update the item the status of the item would be set to approved the commands will be approved by hr.

    If i need the display name of the approver i can pick the responses approver name and then i can also plug in the commands that the approver provided.

    In their response if the hr approver did not approve it then i will update the item to rejected put the approver name.

    And put the approval commands also in case the manager approval is not required i need to update the item to set the status.

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