How to remove excel password for Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 365

How to remove excel password for Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 365 Hi everyone today in the short video I'm going to show you how you can reset or remove the spreadsheet password in Excel 2016 ok you can do this similarly in 2013 as.

How to remove excel password for Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 365

Well so I'm just going to quickly fire mike so alright and then I'll just open a new or a book ok let's say that you have a very important data here which is old formatting and then the formulas.

That you're putting together you know put in your hard work and all of a sudden you know you have to reset it because you're forgetting your password ok so right now what I'm going to do is.

Let's say this is the tab that you were able to edit right and then somehow you lost the password so let me first go and protective ok I'm just going to put in any random password I'll just call this.

Or this so I'm just going to come up here out of the space that the password and protect them so if you try to enter anything it wouldn't allow you because it's all protected now I'm going to save.

As this file into this particular directory for now ok I'm going to save it so let's go ahead and close to this file so first we're going to just change the file extension to zip ok right now.

Is dot xlsx so I'm just going to go ahead and just remove this and change it to zip and then we try to access the files within this arm excel file so you know if you don't have right now I'm.

Using a WinRAR right one right zip archive but you can use this with the you know the normal Microsoft compressed zip folder this so I'm just going to go ahead and extract this that's arraign.

Now and then I'm just going to go into the folder and then go into the excel and then to the worksheets and then find the name of the sheet that you put in the past.

Or you lost password just click on edit and then you just you know just open this particular file in not that so the strength is it is not bad the scroll down towards the end where it says there.

Is a XML tag open and then it says sheet protection okay algorithm name and then you come down till where it says scenarios ok so basically this is what I need to remove.

This is a tag I need to just remove and then the password should be done so I'm just going to close this save it and then I'm going to go back to my extract and then I'm going to just zip them back.

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    Okay just going to zip them together

    Again and then then just kind of call this after modification okay and then I'll call this Excellus X okay I'm just going to open this up and then you'll.

    Find if it is successful and you've done it correctly then you'll be able to make you know entry without any issues ok so this is a very easy way of resetting your spreadsheet password if you want.

    The other way of removing the password using VBA let's check my other videos from my channel this is all I have for you right now and please subscribe to my channel like the video and you know.

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