My Productive Desk Setup + Desk Tour 2022

My Productive Desk Setup + Desk Tour 2022 [Music] [Music] [Music] so today is going to be a bit different we're going to be taking a look at my.

Desk how it's set up the tools i use and how they help me become more productive let's start with the desk it's not too big because i also use it as a set for my videos i think it's 120 centimeter.

Wide so about 47 inches the height is adjustable with an electric motor and i use it as a standing desk quite often almost every day actually it also has a nice cable management below which goes.

Down to the floor that's often a problem when you have a desk that changes heights it's a challenge to keep everything nice and organized the desk is from a local austrian company called.

Beni it's a professional stable desk and nothing reflects when we use the studio lights which is an important factor for our video quality on the desk i have this wool felt pad from ikea to give the.

Desk some texture and to protect it from scratches it has a soft and smooth surface to work on and it has these little silicone dots on the backside which keep it in place i got another one.

My Productive Desk Setup + Desk Tour 2022

Of these for my daughter and after more than a year it still looks nice which is a miracle so i can confirm it's durable too the monitor is an iso cs2740.

It produces really accurate colors and contrast and with the full 4k uhd resolution my screencast turned out really nice and crisp i hope you agree this monitor also has hardware.

Calibration when i started that i had no clue about this we always had discussions with my video editor why certain videos or pictures look different on his monitor than on mine.

Well i learned that monitors need to be calibrated regularly with a sensor to make sure that the colors are accurate and the hardware calibrated monitor stores this information directly inside.

The monitor's lookup table or lot so it doesn't need software that needs to be reloaded every time you reboot the computer i can highly recommend this monitor.

While we're here let's also check out the latest addition to my setup the benq screen bar halo it's an led monitor light that you can just simply clip onto your monitor it's perfect for reading.

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    And because you can adjust the angle of

    The bar screen glare is minimized this model also features indirect lighting in the back the bar comes with a wireless controller which allows you to adjust.

    The brightness and temperature of the light i used to have a separate desk lamp but this solution is much cleaner and saves valuable desk real estate my last speakers are the a2 plus from audio.

    Engine they're connected to the computer with the usb audio but you can also connect with bluetooth from your phone or your tablet they're compact enough for my desk but still have plenty of.

    Sound for their size i had to order these silicone bases separately but they give it a nice touch i think when i edit or review videos i usually use headphones to make sure there are no.

    Issues in the audio i recently switched to these ones called neurophone after they kindly provided us with samples they're different to other headphones in the sense that they provide personalized.

    Sound during the setup process with the nura app it determines which frequencies your ears are more or less sensitive to based on this they create a personalized profile that's tuned perfectly to your.

    Own hearing the result is really great they also come with active noise cancelling and customizable touch buttons on the side so you can program four different actions for each button.

    Like if you want to increase volume with a tab play or pause with a double tap and so on it's really convenient and of course great headphones like these need a proper wooden stand nora also has.

    Earbuds called neura true which offers similar features and come with their own charging case i've used both headphones for some time now and have to say they're really great the in-ear piece of.

    The neurophone may not be for everyone

    When i keep it on for a while it feels a bit strange but i haven't experienced such a level of customization on other products so i can highly recommend this.

    A lot of people asked about my keyboard when they saw it in the videos it's a logitech k780 wireless keyboard basically when it comes to keyboards my main criteria is how quiet the typing is.

    I can't use mechanical keyboards that for sure look a lot nicer than this one because there the typing is too loud in the screencast and on this one the keys are really comfy and quiet it also has.

    This integrated rubber cradle where you can put your phone or tablet you can connect the keyboard up to three devices and easily switch between them i use it sometimes to type on my phone or on my.

    Ipad for my mouse it was a similar decision process it had to be quiet in the screencast that's why i chose this logitech m330 silent mouse it's very comfortable and nice to the touch and.

    Did i mention very quiet okay so that's what's on my desk when i'm not standing i use this chair which is the vitra ac5 work low back we originally got this one mainly for the.

    Looks but it's really comfortable too it's got an integrated adjustable lumbar support which is great for my back next to my desk i have this huge freestanding led light from a german.

    Company called wildman it comes in different versions but this model here is called la vigo it's easy to use with on off and dimming and i use it mostly for indirect lighting during dark winter.

    Days and the times i work late and down here i have a windows desktop it's pretty powerful with an intel i7 processor with eight cores 32 gigabytes of ram and two fast ssds with about 1.5.

    Terabyte in total the videos we create are sometimes quite big so i need a hard drive that's big and fast enough to handle that what i especially like about this computer is that it's quiet we.

    Configured it ourselves and picked a pc case that sound insulated with quiet fans when it's on you don't hear anything which is great for recording my screencasts the only thing left is my.

    Microphone my mic of choice for screencast for many years now has been the blue yeti i upgraded some time ago to the yeti x which offers a 24 bit sample rate and most importantly comes.

    With the blue voice effects with this audio software you can use presets for a crisp and modern sound or make your own unique signature sound we had some help from an audio professional who helped us.

    Choose the right settings and i hope the improvement now shows in our courses and our videos the mic itself is attached to the yeti caster boom arm which for now is attached to this light stand here.

    With the super clamp it's not ideal but because i use my desk to work and also as a set i need to be able to move it out of the way when we record a headshot for a video okay so that was the desk.

    Tour i hope you enjoyed this different type of video next time we're going to talk about excel i promise or maybe not we'll have to see thank you for being here and i'll catch.

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