Power Automate Part 4 - The Compose action and debugging - ID Card Make

Power Automate Part 4 - The Compose action and debugging - ID Card Make Welcome to this Wise Owl tutorial on debugging and the compose action in power automate here's what you'll learn during the tutorial.

Power Automate Part 4 - The Compose action and debugging

So we'll Begin by explaining the example we're going to work with which is showing the details of any files selected in SharePoint we'll set up SharePoint in OneDrive that.

Won't take long and then I'll explain about the importance of choosing the right environment that's got an exclamation mark at the end because it's so.

Important for this tutorial we'll look at creating the SharePoint trigger to make our flow run adding a compose action to bring the information together.

And then writing it out to a text file we'll then run the example Flow by selecting a file in SharePoint and then we'll look at debugging which isn't strictly possible hence the.

Quotation marks and power automate but we'll see how you can get around that and finally I thought it'd be useful to see what flow failures look like just so you can see life isn't always a series.

Of green ticks that's enough of me I'm going to hand over to my Alter Ego now and let's get started so this is what this tutorial will show.

You how to do I'll show you how to create a very simple SharePoint site that won't take a second and then you'll be able to click on the three dots to the right of any.

File and choose the automate option from the menu which appears and choose to run a power automate flow will create what that power automate flow will do is to take the SharePoint trigger for a.

Selected file compose a message consisting of the file name and the username and create a file a text file in OneDrive in the debuggy stuff folder.

And that will go in this folder I can actually show this working I think so let's choose that to run that flow and what it will do is come over the.

Message saying do I want to run my flow I do it should now have created the file so if we go to the debuggy stuff folder and refresh this.

    You should see a text file appearing - ID Card Make

    There with a bit of luck and if I click if I click on that you'll see the output from it so that's what we're going to do in this tutorial.

    So the first thing I'll do is to create a site in SharePoint so I'll go into SharePoint I will click on the button to create a site when it appears.

    I will type in my choose a team site and I will call my team site Powers my video tutorial click on next I'll add a couple of people to my site and then choose finish.

    And that's how you can create a site in SharePoint almost certainly you've already got one set up for yourself what we'll then do is go to documents on the left hand side here.

    Click on that choose to add a new document I'm going to add an Excel workbook and I'll call it something like a list of recipes when this appears.

    And that's what I will then be able to detect click on now close that down it's automatically saved it and if I refresh this window you should see the file name changes.

    But at the moment when I click on the three dots to the right of that and choose automate no flow appears and that's because in between showing you the last one I've deleted my flow.

    To set up OneDrive what we'll do is just add a new folder so I've clicked to go to my documents on the left hand side I've chosen to create a new folder and I'll call my new folder debuggy stuff.

    Because it's a nice professional name and it's that folder which will contain the text file and we're all ready to go with our example now so please don't miss out this section of.

    The tutorial otherwise you're facing

    Certain disappointment I've already done this once I've created this flow called show details of selected file and I was all set then to.

    Assign it to my files in a SharePoint so enthusiastically I clicked on Three Dots and chose automate and was disappointed to see that the flow didn't show up and I spent quite some time trying to.

    Resolve this the solution it turns out is this so this is a page from Microsoft unknown issues and limitations always makes your heart sync a heading like that and it.

    Says here for flows that use the for selected file trigger in SharePoint only those that are part of the default environment and power automate are listed within the SharePoint automate.

    Menu and what that means is this is never going to work and the reason is I created my flow in the private environment and not the default one.

    So what I needed to do and need to do now and you need to do too is to switch to your default environment in order for your flow to show up so please please do that so that you.

    Don't share my pain so I think we're good to go we've got one drive set up we've got SharePoint set up and crucially we've made sure that we've got the correct environment.

    The default one so we can now create a flow so if you click on Create and if you choose create an automated cloudflow if you then click on Skip and we'll.

    Rename the flow here I think in an earlier tutorial I inadvertently suggested you could type in a name and then click on Skip and it will retain the name that's not actually the case.

    So what I can now do is to choose my trigger so I can choose I'm going to type in SharePoint up in my search box and show my SharePoint triggers and what.

    I want to do is when a file is have the trigger run when a file is selected not when an item is selected when a file is selected you can then choose your SharePoint site.

    So I can click on this drop arrow and choose my SharePoint site now this is tricky you may well find that if you're following along these instructions nothing appears in that drop list if.

    You've only just created your SharePoint site and if that's the case what I would do is choose to enter custom value and paste in.

    The part of the URL which gives you your SharePoint site I've got it selected there and that will work perfectly there seems to have very slow refresh.

    Rate on this what's also confusing is this first one power automate tutorial is a site that I created in SharePoint and then immediately deleted but it still pops up.

    In the list and as far as I can tell we'll keep popping up for time immemorial so it doesn't seem to be any way to get rid of that so I'm going to choose the site we.

    Created just now PowerPoint power automate video tutorial and I'll choose the library in which I want this to apply which is the documents so that will do for my trigger what I.

    Can now do is say what happens when the trigger is is realized when it's actuated so the next thing we're going to do is create an action and I'm going to type.

    In the word compose into the search box and choose the compose action this is probably one of the most common actions you'll choose in power automate what it would do is consolidate.

    Information together so I'll put in the file name and I'll choose a dynamic content to give the file name which has been made available by the trigger and I'll also.

    Show my username which was available anywhere universally available just a word on how this is happening and a glimpse into the future.

    If you let your mouse linger over the file name you can see it contains a complicated expression now what I could have done if I wanted is Type in that expression so I'll just.

    Give you an idea of how this would work there's possibly no need to do this I could have gone to my expression box typed in trigger body and then typed in a question mark the.

    Purpose of which I may come to late in this tutorial I could then choose to refer to the entity which is the flow running this and then another of these.

    Mysterious question marks and then I could pick up on one of the fields available to me you'll notice I'm having to type everything in in the right case and get the punctuation the letters.

    Exactly right and if I choose OK you can see that it goes pink to show us an expression and not Dynamic content but if you let your mouse linger over.

    The two expressions they should if I've typed it correctly be identical so that's an idea of what the compose expression is doing it's actually just picking up information from the trigger.

    And displaying it so I can now save that and we're ready to go on perhaps to create the text file so the Last Action in this flow will be.

    To write this information I've created out to a text file so to do that I'll choose to create a new step the text file is going to be in one drive so I'll search OneDrive for.

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