Webinar Automate your email workflows with Make & MailerLite - ID Card Make

Webinar Automate your email workflows with Make & MailerLite - ID Card Make Hello everyone and Welcome to our webinar on automating email workflows with make and mail their life I'm so excited to be with all of you today and I hope you are too we all know that email marketing can be very repetitive time consuming and overwhelming tasks but with the power of automation you can streamline your workflows and save time so today we will be showing you how make and melee light can work together to make your email marketing more efficient and effective so guys we have one hour session ahead.

Webinar Automate your email workflows with Make & MailerLite

Of us so let's kick it off by introducing our speakers and agenda let's welcome Harmony from manly Alive high Harmony Harmony is a customer education content creator she will be introducing you a new version of my landline and cool exciting Futures you have also made crew you have me my name is Ina strategic partnership manager at make and I will introduce you unlimited automation possibilities that you will get with makeup product we have also Daniel with us a Solutions architect from may he will cover practical part to.

Show you popular use cases and best practices with Melia light on make right after our demo we will have a quick quiz game you will be able to win a special prize from making melee light so stay with us till the end and pay attention and for the last 10 or 15 minutes we will open a discussion and answer hopefully all your questions of course guys Zoom q a is already open post your question there and it will be monitored we will do our best to answer all of them and no worries this session will be.

Recorded and shared with you in a follow-up email so now let's learn more about manure life the floor is yours Harmony okay thank you enough my name is harmony thank you for the introduction I work for manolite in the customer education department so I work with our video tutorials our knowledge-based articles and our Academy and today I am introducing the new version of mailerlite so for anyone that has already used mailerlite you might be.

Used to our classic version in March of last year we released an entirely new app so it's the new matherlite and it is a new separate app and it has lots of new features and that's what we're going to talk about today so I'll play our teaser video which shows an overview of the new features manolite has gone through some pretty cool changes check out the numerelite this interface has been completely redesigned to increase productivity it loads way faster and we will continue to develop exclusive features only to our new app you gotta check it out our new.

E-commerce API allows you to connect with nearly any online store we've taken automation to the next level with multiple triggers so you can create Advanced workflows that convert and speaking of conversions you can track performance on the new reporting dashboard that delivers more insights which will help you build better marketing strategy and we've developed a brand new IOS app for mobile and iPads so you can manage your campaigns on the go and even collect subscribers offline oh and check this we have dark mode.

Pretty cool right check out the new and improved metal light app exclusively on matalight.com okay so that is an overview of our new app so I'll just go a little bit more in depth into some of the features that we talked about the first one being multi-trigger automations and this was one of the most highly requested features so we're excited that this is added and it basically allows you to add multiple entryways to one workflow so if.

Someone came in through a group or they subscribe to a specific form or maybe they had information change it can all go in they can all funnel into one workflow now rather than creating separate workflows for each entryway so we're excited about that another upgrade that came to automations was the introduction of automation templates so now when you create an Automation in Mainland there are two options to create it from scratch or to create it using a template and what the template does is it pre-fills all of the steps in the automation for you so then you just need.

To go in and customize it with your emails Etc and this we have several different templates so we have ones for different goals based on your my marketing goal so if you want to win back subscribers for example we have an entire template based on that we also have more complex templates that use the multiple triggers feature and we also have e-commerce templates so if you have any Commerce store connected to your mail light account it gives you access to e-commerce templates so you can send abandoned cart emails post purchase.

Emails things like that and we also have templates that work with e-commerce and speaking of e-commerce we added two new e-commerce Auto great Integrations to our new platform that being pressed to shop and big Commerce okay and a few other new exciting features the first one is the preference Center so this gives your subscribers options to basically segment themselves and tell you when they want to receive emails how often and even choose specific content and you can customize the questions but it basically gives subscribers the option to if they maybe.

Want to unsubscribe they can instead change their preferences so just change the frequency or the content that they receive and this is now a pre-made block that can just be dragged and dropped into your newsletter another exciting feature is the link editor so in the past if you send an email that included a broken link or an incorrect link you have to go with your customer support to get it changed and now we've added that option straight into the app so you can just go into the link activity section of your campaign and edit any links even though the campaign has already been.

Sent and lastly we have two new apps that we've introduced for the new mirror life so the classic mirror light already does have an app so with the introduction of the new app we've introduced a two new applications so the first one is our iOS mobile app which actually gives you the option to create and send emails at the moment it's Rich text email so if you want to create a quick email with some text and a few images you can do that right from the mobile app you can also check all of your analytics from the app so you can see how your automations are.

    Doing how your forms are doing any new subscribers things like that all from the application and we've also - ID Card Make

    Introduced an app for iPad as well so this is our iPad subscribe app and what it does is it gives you you can see the opportunity to actually collect subscribers offline so you can create a form using the app and if you are at an in-person event or collecting subscribers in person at something you can just use the app which collects it offline and then when you are connected to Internet it uploads all of the information to your account so those are.

    Our new features and we are continuously adding more to our new app um at the moment you can still use a classic account but all of the new features are going to the new app so I encourage you to check it out you can sign up to a 30-day free trial where you get 30 days of Premium features and if you already have a plastic account we have migration tools that will help bring data over from one account to the other so just trying to make the transition as easy as possible and that is it for me thank you thank you Harmony that was super exciting I was very happy to learn that.

    About manner like so now let's think about make and what is making our platform so unique the mission of make is to empower everyone to innovate Without Limits we understand that launching and scaling business especially small business with many sets comes with many sets of challenges and we know that a lot of business owners have a very difficult time being able to creatively respond to those challenges due to the lack of time finances or resources that draw our Founders to.

    Create make and back then integral man we imagine a world where anyone you can be a business user like myself or Daniel or skilled programmer or you can be a small business owner or a person in a very large company anyone in the make world has a power actual power to be able to innovate and solve problems on the day-to-day without any limitations with make you can design build and automate anything by collecting thousands of jobs in just few clicks what actually makes our platform so.

    Unique well first of all mind map future of our platform helps you to imagine and workflow in your head in your mind and start immediately interacting with make drag and drop apps build your workflows and also you can see in real time data moving around from one app to another secondly with make you have an ability to create and launch in minutes not days or weeks that means past time to value for both business users and skill.

    Experience programmers of course and make you have unlimited use cases across all Industries roles departments and of course make product is growing with your needs our pricing is super competitive it's highly customizable you can start for free account and upgrade based on your business growth and needs more operations boom you have it more Futures more services when you outgrow our highest teams plan you can speak with our sales guys and discuss special price plan for your needs so why teachers make you may ask and.

    Maybe I already saw a couple of questions like that how to compare it with other tools on a market there are obviously other integration tools out there but they're usually quite linear and quite limited as well on make you are not limited as I mentioned before on make you can choose from over 1 500 different applications or services and you connect to almost any available publicly available LPI API through make HTTP connector and that will help you to create unlimited flow with make you can add in your automated workflow as many apps steps roads as you imagine any area.

    Of business can work with main you have the freedom to create various type of workflows to suit different job roles whether it's for development HR sales project management it's all covered with make if you encounter a workplace problem like needing to simplify the customer Journey or you won't manage projects more effectively between teams you can build a solution by yourself without developers easy on May and of course with make you can automate not only work related workflows make it the lifestyle you can activate your life.

    Your personal life is make you can automate your day-to-day cultural Sports Experience Smart House automations are included and much much more which makes the possibilities are endless and you can use your your imagination to create custom workflows tailored to your specific needs so I think enough talking let's say more visual proof of my words let's kick off demo Daniel over you hey guys so my name is Daniel and for the next 25 minutes or so I will be talking about use cases scenarios and.

    Automation so let's go so when I Was preparing for this webinar

    I was obviously checking what our existing users or make users are doing with mailerlite in make right the obvious thing to do and I've identified a few areas which were like recurring topics and teams in their scenarios so you know take this as an inspiration if you are completely to come if you are completely new to.

    Make or maybe if you are an existing user of make maybe you will discover more use cases as I will be introducing those uh specific scenarios so let's talk about the areas which we frequently see happening on make together with mailerlite products so obvious choice is to feed subscribers from external apps to mailerlite that's like 90 of scenarios which our users do and most of the time those scenarios are very simple.

    But yet they are generating immense business value then we also see users doing it the other way around right so they are for example listening for new subscribers in mailerlite and then they are exporting these new subscribers to external sheets like Google Sheets or airtable or to databases like snowflake bigquery or MySQL so that's another common topic then we also see a few users using quite Advanced workflows which involves like email validation and then sending.

    Confirmations back to the subscribers and I'm gonna show you a very specific example of that uh for for this case we will actually talk about mailer check and mailer sent apps which are kind of part of mirror light product portfolio and then finally we see users using make to listen for new campaigns in mailerlite and notifying their teams when new campaigns go out because you want your people your your co-workers.

    To let know that something is happening right so they expect maybe increased number of tickets more sales more leads more whatever right so that's for the Talking part on my side and let's now escape the presentation and let's go to make before I start though I want to say one thing I'm not a developer okay so if you think that what you are about to see is like too hard for you that you.

    Are like business user you think wrong like I would say anyone on this call can probably build the scenarios which I have prepared for you okay so don't underestimate yourself this is all you can do too so when you sign up for make and you first sign in into the platform this is something you are gonna see it's gonna be a bit emptier because obviously I've been working here so I have some active scenarios running and scenarios are the automations within the make platform.

    Which which you build and which you maintain here at the top you see your current consumption levels so basically when your automations run we charge you for operations which they burn and the more operations you burn the more you pay basically it's very simple formula but aside from operations you can also buy features so our pricing is kind of two-dimensional so you can buy a lot of operations and not that many features or a lot of features and not that many operations so it's super flexible to cover everyone's needs okay here at the.

    Top and here on the sides we have a lot of menu items I'm not gonna talk about all of them because you could spend like all day on it but I'm gonna focus on just a few of them so with introduction of make we have this new cool feature called teams So within your make organization you can introduce multiple teams where you will basically assign your co-workers from different departments to different teams so they don't interact with each other's scenarios and automations so for example you can have like marketing people assigned to the marketing team and they.

    Will run their marketing related automations and on the other side you can have Finance team running their own automations totally separately from marketing and you're kind of sure that users will not interfere with each other okay strongly recommend to use this feature it's super powerful especially for bigger organizations now before we go into the actual scenarios or automations I want to introduce the idea of templates so when you open this tab and again when you are completely new to make and maybe you don't want to figure it out from scratch.

    Or you don't just have time to build automations from scratch you can explore our library of templates which are basically pre-built automations for you so for example if you are interested I don't know in mail or send templates for example you can just simply filter for that app or for any combination of apps and the library will get filtered to the templates which are involving that app right so for example if you want to fire emails through mail.

    Or send base of stripe events you can use just this template that you don't even have to build a scenario yourself so you'd enter the template you check out the description and then once you click this button it will be taken through a template wizard which allows you to basically set up that scenario very quickly literally literally with no like programming skills or whatever okay so again if you are new to make you don't have time to figure out or you want to just get started quickly templates might be a way to get going.

    Quickly but now let's talk about scenarios because at the end of the day I think that most of the attendees will be actually building the scenarios because because you know it's like a drug like once you start you you cannot really stop it because you will love the process of building those scenarios so when you go to the scenario tab here you see all your scenarios active ones post ones Etc and here in my case you can already see that I'm like hosting hundreds and hundreds of scenarios I mean no wonder right I've been working.

    Here for a while so I do have a lot of scenarios here you can filter the scenarios just to active ones inactive for Concepts and here on the left side you can actually group The scenarios into folders so it helps you to stay organized and this is exactly what I've done for this scenario right like obvious choice so I've created a folder called mailer Lite webinar where I am hosting four scenarios which I will be talking about today so let's start with the simplest.

    One and again let's start easy because you know it's not always good idea to start with the hardest stuff so the first scenario will be about listening for neuros or for new subscribers in your Source Google Sheets spreadsheet then when we see the new rows we will ingest those roles and push them as new subscribers to mailerlite and then finally once we do that we will update those Source rows in the spreadsheet with attack saying okay yes this person was already uploaded and to show you.

    What I mean I obviously had to prepare a sample spreadsheet so here I have my subscribers Tab and I have two people on the list obviously in real life you would probably have like tens or hundreds of people and every single time in Euro appears here you may want to take those contacts and upload them to mailerlite as new subscribers right and once you do that you want to see like yes this was already uploaded just to stay in on the top of things and to make sure that you know you know what's.

    Happening in behind the scenes and for solving this simple problem I built this simple scenario so before I actually run it I want to talk about some of the vocabulary so this whole thing that's the scenario these bubbles we call them modules and modules belong to apps so for example this is a watch neuros module from Google Sheets app and when we look at the Google Sheets app we see that it has a lot of modules all right so there are many things which you can do with Google Sheets there are usually.

    Always sorry there are usually a few triggers like monitoring for events somewhere and then actions which you can do with those app and generally speaking if you have similar apps from similar verticals those modules will be also similar so for example modules for Google Sheets and airtable they are kind of similar not the same but they are similar in in many cases now for metal or light we can also check out the app so this is create slash updated subscriber module with an email or light app and again we have quite a few modules here.

    And this app is pretty new too it's been on the platform for like six months or six weeks or so and then this is the final module which will be updating the rows I will go through the modules in more detail after I run the scenario so let me first run it to demonstrate that it's actually working right so first time I run the scenario I have to tell the scenario where to start so in my case I will want to process all the rows from that Source Google Sheets spreadsheet and push those people to mailerlite as new subscribers.

    So I'm going to select all and now I'm going to run the scenario and let's see what happens so now you can see it's pretty visual already right and we can see that this module got the two people from the spreadsheet so we have Joe Doe and Paul Smith you can see all their values from their respective columns and then we can see that they were created in mailerlite as new subscribers here and here so so far so good and I would say super simple right but do you actually believe me it worked well let's first check out the.

    Spreadsheet right I wanted to say that once these guys are uploaded I want to take them with CSS so obviously that part works but what about mailer light itself so in mailer Lite I'm using the dark mode and when I go to subscribers I should see Paul Smith here and Jojo and you can see that they were uploaded at this time unfortunately this is not my time zone but the minutes are matching so you can see that on this minute they were actually created as subscribers and.

    When I go and check out the details about the subscriber you can see you know the name last name company it's all there and it's all matching with the spreadsheet so so far so good let's now look at the scenario itself and the configuration of the modules because again if you are new to make I think it's kind of interesting to see how simple it is to set up this so the first module is monitoring for new rows in the source spreadsheet so basically what I did is that you know I located myself spreadsheet through this finder so you.

    Just find a special by name and it will get mad here then within the spreadsheet you have to define the source sheet right so my source sheet is subscribers azir subscribers all right and then basically that's it for this module yes I I have some parameters here to limit the number of new subscribers for each runs at 2000 but in my case it was two so it was easily enough right so it worked I would say the more the most interesting part of this scenario is of course the mailer Lite module.

    So when I open the module you can see that from this preceding Google Sheets module we are mapping the incoming variables into the mailerlite module and that's essentially how data gets transferred like from one module to another right so how hard is it to map these things well it's super simple so for example let's say that the email was missing here and now you know I have to map it with the email coming from the spreadsheet literally you can just click this and that's it now it's mapped or you can just grab and drag and drop this into.

    The field so super simple now few basic few basic things here um if the field name is bold it means it's mandatory and you have to provide the volume so of course for an emailing platform you do have to provide the email right it goes without saying but these fields they they are all optional and here you can even see custom Fields here which you can map and I think I saw one of the questions in Q a so I hope that addresses it yes you can map even custom Fields within make within the.

    Mirror light app and basically you fill out your Fields like one by one you just map them or you can even specify the groups into which you want to add your new subscribers so of course for this webinar I've prepared the group which is called mailerlite webinar and those two guys were uploaded to that group you can even specify the subscribed on time which I did right and here I'm using one of our inbuilt functions we call them inline functions which is basically generating the current time and the time of that execution and pushing it to mailerlite.

    And that function is available here on these tabs so we have a lot of functions if you are familiar with Excel functions um you are going to love this one so we have similar functions like in Excel or in Google Sheets so text functions math functions you know date time functions this is the Now function which will give you the current time as I said we do even have array functions for advanced users and you can even Define like custom and system variables and you can play with them and map them within your.

    Scenarios okay and now in the final module once we successfully updated our subscribers in mailerlite or edit them what we want to do is we basically want to take that original row number and update the column called upload it to mailerlite with static value yes I just you know type this one on my keyboard like this so I hope it clarifies clarifies things if you are new to make you can see I I hope you do see that it's super easy right to build these scenarios and even this scenario would probably take you to.

    Build I don't know 10 minutes you know it's not rocket science but let's uh take a step back and let's look at some inspiration because I said that our users are using make to feed you know subscribers from external systems to metal light a lot it's like 90 of use cases so what are other use cases well for that I've prepared this like overview scenario which is actually kind of like hosting five sub scenarios and here we can see examples of simple scenarios for example.

    You know you can be watching for Shopify events which orders and then you can be uploading contact information from that order as new subscribers to mailerlite right super simple then we do have similar thing for woocommerce right so I I was seeing this as a pattern which our users were doing and again you know they are taking all the information and creating new subscribers with that information for.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continuetomake videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC58ihIP_1U
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