Google Forms Advanced Tutorial - ID Card Make

Google Forms Advanced Tutorial - ID Card Make Trish Conner-Cato: Welcome to LearnIt Training. The exercise files for today's course are located in the video description below. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Welcome everyone to Google Forms. My name is Trish Connor Cato. This class is recommended for users who would like to get to know Google Forms in more depth or who are converting to Google Workspace apps from another Office suite such as Microsoft Office. We'll start by setting up a form as a quiz, adding an answer key,.

Google Forms Advanced Tutorial

And adding feedback to answers. You'll learn how to change options for releasing grades, send emails to respondents with answers, and we'll end that module by learning how to make a copy of a form. The focus in Module 7 is adding images and videos to a form. You'll learn how to add an image to a question and a form, as well as adding a video to a form in this module. Our 8th and final module will focus on using additional form features..

You'll learn how to allow respondents to attach files before getting into how to upload a file from your computer and from Also, how to locate uploaded files in My Drive. We'll delve into creating a pre filled form and creating a pre filled form using hyperlinks. We'll end the course by importing form questions. and creating a form template. Module 6 will be using forms to create a quiz over six lessons. We'll start by setting up a form as a quiz. We'll then add an answer key and also add feedback to answers..

In the fourth lesson, we'll change options for releasing grades. Go on to sending emails to respondents with answers. And then we'll end by making a copy of a form. I'm gonna navigate back to the forms homepage. And we're gonna create a form and make it into a quiz now. So let's start with a blank form..

And we are immediately going to go to the settings tab and toggle on make this a quiz. So, when you toggle make this a quiz, you get some different settings here, right? So, under release grades, you can release the grades by default immediately after each submission, or Later after manual review and it's telling you go ahead and collect email addresses there We're gonna leave it on immediately for now.

Your respondent settings for missed questions Respondents can see which questions were answered incorrectly I'm gonna leave that toggled on and for correct answers Respondents can see correct answers after grades are released. I'm gonna leave that on And also that the respondents can see total points and points received for each question. Now these are choices depending on, you know, your setting where you're giving the quiz, but I'm gonna leave all three of those respondent settings, respondent settings set to on..

And then you have global quiz defaults. So the default question point value would be for every new question, globally for any quiz. Now I'm going to go ahead and put 20 points for this one. We're going to be doing five question quizzes, each question worth 20 points. So then you have the same options for responses. presentation and your default settings. So now I'm going to go back to the questions tab..

And we're going to name this quiz, so the untitled form, we're going to name it State Capital Quiz 1. And for the description, I'm going to put Alabama. And then I'm going to go down to the untitled question that's there. And I'm going to make it, I think I want this to be a drop down. And the question itself is going to be, What is the capital of Alabama?.

It changed it to short answer. I'm going to put it back on drop down. The first option is going to be Birmingham. You can use your tab key or your down arrow key to get to the next option. That's going to be Mobile. And the third and last option is going to be Montgomery. And what I'm going to do First, I'm going to spell Alabama correctly..

And then I'm going to go ahead and, now this is where you have to make a choice. You can duplicate it or you can just add a new question. I'm going to duplicate this one. And I'm going to change it from Alabama to Alaska. And now I'm going to change the options as well. The option is going to be, the first option is going to be Fairbanks. The second one is going to be Juneau. And the third one is going to be Anchorage..

I think in some cases it's easier to just duplicate them and change them, so I'm gonna continue to do that. The next one after Alaska is going to be Arizona. First option is going to be Tucson. Second option, Phoenix. And the third option is going to be Mesa..

Duplicate the next state after Arizona. is going to be Arkansas, first option, Little Rock, second, Fayetteville, and third, Fort Smith. And then we have one more to do, so might as well duplicate. And this is going to be California for the state. And our choices for California... are going to be Los Angeles..

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    Second choice, San Clemente. - ID Card Make

    And third choice, Sacramento. So we have our five question quiz here. So Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, and California, and they're all drop downs. So now I'm on the what is the capital of Alabama question, and I'm going to go down in its lower left corner and click on answer key..

    And this is where we choose, it tells you at the top to choose the correct answer here. So we're going to choose Montgomery. That's the correct answer. Now, it should've, I thought I told it to make each question by default 20 points. It didn't do that, so I'm gonna just do it at this question. It's worth 20 points. And then I'm gonna choose Done for that question..

    So now you'll see it says Answer Key and then it shows the 20 points. For Alaska, we're gonna do the same thing. We're gonna go to Answer Key. The correct answer is Juneau. We're going to give it 20 points as well and choose done for Arizona. We're going to do the same. Arizona's capital is Phoenix and that is also worth 20 points for Arkansas. The correct answer for the capital is little rock, also 20 points.

    And then we're at California and that one is Sacramento. Again, 20 points. So this way, we chose some settings. Let's go back to settings for a moment, right? And so, for these respondent settings, respondents can see which questions were answered incorrectly because we put in an answer key. The same for the correct answers after the grades are released because of the answer.

    Key, and the same for point values there. So, I'm going to go back to the questions tab. So now that we have our answer key for each question, we're going to add feedback to answers. For Alabama, we're going to go back to answer key, and at the very bottom, we're going to click add answer feedback. So for incorrect answers, we can either put in feedback, we can either supply a link, so it will link them to somewhere else, or we.

    Can direct them to a YouTube video. So we're on the incorrect answers tab here for Alabama, and the feedback they're gonna get if they put an incorrect answer, it's just gonna say incorrect. We're gonna go to the correct answers tab, and we'll do correct. And I like to put an exclamation point on that one. And save. So then it shows you the feedback for correct and incorrect answers. We're going to do the same feedback for the other four remaining questions..

    When you're done at the bottom for each one, you're going to want to click done. I'll do one more with you, and then you'll do the rest on your own. So, I'm going to go to the Alaska question. Click on answer key. Click on add answer feedback. I'm gonna type incorrect. Go to the correct answers tab and that's gonna be correct with an exclamation point..

    And done. Go ahead and do the same for the remaining three questions. So now I have my feedback for all of the questions here. Correct or incorrect. So now I'd like to point out in the upper right hand corner, it lets you know the total points for the quiz. We have five questions, 20 points each, there's your 100. We want to test this, and so I'm going to send it to my other email account.

    For the purposes of this course. It's just like sending other form. And I'm going to just send the form to my a account. I'm going to go ahead and click send, and then I'm going to switch to my a account to access that form. And so, I want to purposely get a couple of the answers wrong, so that I can see the feedback that we put in. So, I'm gonna do Alabama, I'm gonna choose Montgomery, just the first one. I'm gonna choose Fairbanks for Alaska,.

    Phoenix for Arizona, Little Rock for Arkansas, and I'll do San Clemente for California,

    And go ahead and submit. So, now... It says view score, right? And I click on that and this is where I'll see. It gives me my feedback, correct, right? This one I got wrong on purpose, incorrect. Two more corrects, and then an incorrect at the end..

    So I got 2 out of 5 wrong, and in the top right corner it gives me my total point, 60 out of 100. And I'm going to close that tab. And because we haven't disabled it, I could submit another response here, but for a quiz you would probably want to disable that. I'm going to close that tab as well. And then be back in my original account where I created the quiz. And so when I'm there, I can go to my responses tab as usual, right?.

    So I have summary question, individual. only one response. So there's my points scored, right? And it has average, median, and range. But since we only have one response, the insight section has this total points distribution here. And then frequently missed questions, again, based on the one response. And then the scores with the email. And it says the score was released, uh, my alter ego account was able to see it..

    And then it goes for each question, how they did. Right? So this one is one correct response. Zero of one correct response. Got that one wrong on purpose. So on and so forth. So you saw the behavior when we responded. as a respondent to the quiz. And we were able to see what answers were incorrect. It also gave us the correct answer for those that we got incorrect..

    Let's go back to settings for a moment. And under release grades, we left it set after, immediately after each submission. And so they were able to view the results and see everything. Let's change it to later after manual review. And then what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back up to my questions tab. I'm going to just send this to my A account again and send. And then what I'm going to do is I'm going to switch over to my.

    A account and retake the quiz. So this time I'm going to try to get everything right. So the first one should be Montgomery. Then we have Juneau for Alaska. Phoenix. Little Rock, and Sacramento, and I'm gonna submit. So notice here it doesn't give me the ability to go in and view my results because of that setting change..

    Now, I've switched back to my T account, and I now have two responses in here. And I'm going to go to the second response, right? And now, here, it says the score is not released. If I go... To the first response, it tells me the score was released and the date and time that it was released. If I go to the second response, it lets me know the score is not released, so I can then release the score, right?.

    And it would send an email to the respondent. and release their scores. So they'll get an email with their responses in it. And so I'm going to go back to settings at this point, and I'm going to change that back to immediately after each submission. For me, this type of quiz doesn't warrant me having to do a manual review, collecting email addresses, and having to go in and release the scores. For each respondent, so I'm going to change it back to immediately after each submission..

    And the last thing we're going to do in this module is learn how to make a copy of a form. So, in between your send button and your account information, you have that more ellipsis. We're going to click on that and we're going to choose make a copy. So, I'm going to cancel out of here. So you notice it said make a copy of an untitled form. I'm going to click up on the upper left where it says Untitled Form so it populates with State Capital Quiz 1..

    And then I'm going to go back to More and make a copy. So, I'm going to name the copy, I'm going to get rid of Copy Of. And change the one at the end to a two. The thinking is that we're going to do, well we're not going to do, we're going to do more of these state capital quizzes, but the next one we'll use the next five states in alphabetical order kind of thing. So we're just getting it set up. Notice it's going to put it in your My Drive folder. And at the bottom, I'm gonna choose make a copy..

    So notice up here, it now says State Capital Quiz 2. That's the copy, we didn't change anything on it, so it's still showing in the heading here that it's quiz 1. But that's the copy of the one that we did. And, I'm gonna navigate to my drive now, because that's where it told me it was going to put it. So let's see, let me... Refresh. Sometimes it gets a little static..

    Yeah, so there, it's there now. So, State Capital Quiz 1, and if I'm looking in my drive, it lets me know there's new responses, right? Every time there's new responses that you haven't seen, or whatever, we'll show there. And then, this one, we just created right now. So, I'm gonna go back to Forms, doesn't matter which one. I'm gonna close one of my form screens, go back to the other, and I'm gonna just.

    Go to the Forms homepage at this point. In Module 6, we used a form to create a quiz, and we started by changing a setting, which changed a form into a quiz. We added some questions to the quiz, then we added an answer key, and added feedback to the answers. You learned how to change options for releasing grades. So, when we first took the quiz as a respondent, We allowed the respondent.

    To see their results right then. And then we went and changed it and said that we would email the results after a manual review. And we saw how to set that up. And we changed it back to default because if you don't have to do the extra work, you shouldn't. And when we learned how to send the emails to the respondents with their answers, Once... We had the option changed for that. And then we ended by learning how to make a copy of a form..

    It just so happened to be a quiz, but you can make a copy of any form, or form that's been turned into a quiz. In Module 7, we're going to be adding images and videos to a form. Now, we've already added an image. to a form header. In this module, we're going to start with adding an image to a question and then adding an image to a form. We'll end by adding a video to a form. And you have a Word document from the files from the video description..

    That's entitled link to YouTube video for form. And there's just another note here. If you're using a Google workspace account for this course, the account must be older than 30 days in order to be able to add a video to a form. Now I'm back in state capital quiz one, and this is on this quiz, we're going to add images to questions to the form. And we're also going to add a video to the form. So let's start with the first question. What is the capital of Alabama? I'm going to select that one..

    And you'll notice to the right of the question, there's a little image icon, and we're going to click on that. So you have the ability to upload images, to have images brought in directly from your webcam, to be able to put in a URL of an image. To go to photos, if you had them in your drive, they would show there. We are going to use Google Images. And we're gonna click in the search box at the top..

    And we're gonna type Alabama State Seal. And press enter. So it will bring up a bunch of Google Images of the Alabama State Seal. I'm gonna just click on the first one. And at the bottom, I'm going to choose Insert. And it's going to load the image into that question and it brings it in bigger than we would want it to be. So if I click on the image, I'll see the sizing handles in each corner..

    I'm going to grab the bottom right sizing handle and start dragging it up. I'm resizing the image down. Definitely don't want it to be that big in the question. And I'm going to size it down a bit more, kind of like that. We're not going for exactness here at this moment. So that is how you add an image to a question. Let's scroll down to the next question for Alaska. Click its image button. Go to Google images. Click in the search box, and it's State Seal of Alaska..

    And I'm gonna choose the first one, well, I'm gonna actually choose this one. And when I click insert, and you're gonna have to size it down as well. So I'm gonna just make sure I select it so I can see its sizing handles. and size it down just a bit more. Kind of like that. So go ahead and get the state seal images for Arizona, Arkansas, and.

    California and size those down as well. I'll show you my finished work when you're done. So when you're done, You have your Arizona, Arkansas, and California state seals. And those are images that are added to a question. In order to add an image to the form itself, you're going to use the right sidebar menu, where we used it to add questions, sections, and titles earlier..

    And we're going to use the add image icon there. We have the same choices here. We're going to continue to use Google Images. And this time, for the form image, we're going to do U. S. Map. And so, I'm going to grab one that actually has the state names on them. I'll grab the first one, and choose Insert..

    So notice, it puts it at the bottom, and you get to give the image a title. And we're going to title it, Map of the United... States, and perhaps we want to move it to the top. So it has that move dot formation and I'm going to click and hold and start dragging it up. And now it's right underneath the title..

    And I'm going to just make the font for map of the United States. I'm going to select the font to make it bold. And so your options for this image are to duplicate it. Delete it. And then you have that you can show hover text, right? So you can put in text to show when you hover. I'm going to go back to that menu and deselect that. So now, and by the way, if we wanted to delete an image that we added here, like in the text of the question, we don't want to select it..

    So deselected, and then you'll see it's menu ellipses. And if we click that, we can align it, we can change the image from here, we can remove it, and we can add a caption to an image that's in a question. So I've opened the Word document from the video description, the link to the YouTube video for form, and I'm going to copy... That link.

    And then I'm going to switch back over to our form on the right sidebar. I'm going to choose the add video icon and you can search YouTube for videos or you can, if you have the URL, which we do, I'm going to go to the URL tab and choose control V to paste it in. If it's a successful link, you'll see a preview of the video on this screen..

    And so at the bottom, I'm gonna choose the Select button on the lower left hand side. And I'm gonna name this video, State Capital Song. And I'm gonna make that bold. And so we have the same menu that we had, right, where we can align the video. I'm gonna center align it..

    And you have the same options that you have for an image picture. And then you can duplicate it, you can put it in the trash. And, or you can show a caption. So it put the video after the first question. And I think I want to move the video to the bottom after the last question. Now I wouldn't really put a video in a quiz about state capitals. That's telling everybody about the state capital, but I actually enjoy that video..

    I'm weird like that. So if I want to play the video, I've gone into preview. Mode, and I'm gonna go down to the bottom. You'll see the play button on the video And I realized I need to move the video down more. I thought it was all the way at the bottom So preview mode is handy for that as well So if you want to listen to the video you can do it while you're in preview mode And you can see that I've gone back to the form and changed the position So the song is at the bottom now..

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