Excel Spinner Dynamic Bar - ID Card Make

Excel Spinner Dynamic Bar - ID Card Make welcome to other levels in today's video we will continue to learn how you can create a dynamic sales growth and net profit margin dashboard in Excel without.

Excel Spinner Dynamic Bar

Using pivot tables and slicers only by using the Excel spinner and options buttons visit our online store other.

Dashlevels.com to get our templates or the data set and for training and practicing you can now download the data set for this dashboard for free from our website.

In the first video tutorial we finished creating and modifying the data set sheet we will use the same layout to create the dashboard so we will copy this sheet.

And name it dashboard now delete the two data tables foreign .

Both sheets layout must be exactly the same we will now add a hyperlink to the menu icon to be able to navigate between the.

Data set and the dashboard the sheet is now ready let's start by inserting the three rectangles that contain the main values adjust its size and position.

add a shadow to this shape press control plus shift then drag to the right to duplicate it.

Select them all and then distribute horizontally we will add the total purchases items sales and the final profits to save your precious time we decided to.

Create the design of the equations in advance and we will suffice to clarify the equations used directly Now link the titles .

foreign set the font size to 18 and bold from the developer tab insert an option button.

Delete the button name duplicate it twice next insert a spinner let's move them to the formula sheet to configure them.

    - ID Card Make

    For the option buttons we will set them up in the next video tutorial firstly we will create the horizontal year bar which will be able to move.

    Dynamically the years listed in this data table from 2019 to 2023 we will write the years manually here first in descending order and if you will get by this template and.

    Your data for different years so you must update this table as your needs select the spinner then right click choose format Center set the current value to be 2023 the minimum value will.

    Be 2019 and the maximum value will be 2023 as per our current data set and finally for the cell link choose the cell which will show the selected year then click ok now the spinner button.

    Working perfectly in these nine cells We'll add the formulas to make the selected years move dynamically first link the fifth cell to the E4 cell.

    Then we'll add formulas to the above four cells let's start with the fourth cell the formula is simple type equal if the cell E4 value equals to 2019 or 2020 or 2021.

    Or 2022 so add cell G8 Value Plus 1 and if false keep the cell blank foreign.

    As you can see if we choose any Year from 2019 to 2022 the cell shows the year that follows if 2023 is selected the cell will be empty copy the formula and then paste it into.

    The third cell but we will change the year's range to be from 2019 until 2021. paste it into the second cell as well but we will change the year's range to.

    Be from 2019 until 2020.

    And for the first cell we will change the formula to be if E4 equals to 2019 only finally change the number that will be.

    Added if the formula was true in the third cell make it two and in the second cell make it three and four for the first cell formula as you can see whenever the number of.

    Years decreases the remaining years are distributed in the first four cells we will also apply the previous formulas to the cells below with two changes first switch the selected years in Reverse.

    Replace the plus sign with a minus sign foreign .

    Foreign we finished creating this idea let's add it to the dashboard now insert text boxes .

    link the text boxes to the cells in order foreign foreign.

    that's all for today's video hope you learned something useful for you on the other hand you have an easy way to directly purchase this template from.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continuetomake videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poiUtXrGG9g
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