How to deploy Office Solutions. Step by step for both Workbook/Document and Add-ins Projects - ID Card Make

How to deploy Office Solutions. Step by step for both Workbook/Document and Add-ins Projects - ID Card Make Hey guys welcome back to my channel i'm lung pamai and in this video i'll be showing you how to deploy office solutions using click ones.

How to deploy Office Solutions. Step by step for both Workbook/Document and Add-ins Projects

In upcoming videos i'll also demonstrate an alternate way to deploy office solutions using windows installer which is not an option if you're using.

Community version when you deploy a solution using click once you publish it to a central location or shared drives where a user can install it and run it.

You can update the solution without having to distribute a new setup program to users this uh option is much simpler but you can show uh custom pages uh which i'm gonna demo.

In a bit also the solution must be installed multiple times on a computer that has more than one user so guys before we get started if you.

Haven't please do not forget to subscribe for latest updates and to support my channel let's get started first i'm gonna demonstrate how to deploy a workbook or.

A document level application and then we'll move on to how to deploy add-ins excel items for example so for that i'm going to create a new project.

From here you can search excel workbook and i'm gonna select this one you can also select uh word document if you want for an example.

And then let's call this uh i'll just call this excel app and i'm gonna place this in youtube directory and create.

So we'll just create a basic uh application so that it doesn't consume too much time let me quickly add a ribbon i'm gonna bring the designer.

And let's add a new tab i'm going to bring in the group and maybe the label just for now just call this version 1.0 and i think that's it i'm gonna.

Try and bring this up ctrl f5 just to make sure the application loads okay okay so here's our tab and version 1.0 okay.

    Um i think we can just rename the tag as - ID Card Make

    Well call it excel app just to keep it consistent so now uh deploying or publishing is.

    Very simple just need to go here to properties or you can just press f4 to get there since we are looking for deployment first you'll have to.

    Sign it by default this temporary key has already been created if you want you can create a new key as well or you can select existing one as well if you do have a trusted.

    Certificate already generated here i'm just gonna put a password okay and then you can select the algorithm type.

    I'm just gonna leave that as default and then here you can you know like sign the assembly as well by selecting whatever key you want okay i'm gonna select the first one or.

    Anyone doesn't matter and now i'm gonna save it and go to publish so here a couple of things um first let's say the prerequisites um you.

    Based on you know like your requirements you'll have to select uh what what is going to be the prerequisites so when the user install your.

    Application uh it's automatically going to install at the moment this framework has been automatically checked this as well right.

    Vsto and then here you can choose to download from the website from the vendor site or you can also download in the same computer and you can deploy it all together or.

    You can specify a location so normally

    This one is preferred uh they will need to have an internet for that when they deploy it and okay and then for updates.

    For now i'm gonna select this um to check for updates every time the workbook is open okay and otherwise you can also specify never check or you can check.

    After certain intervals uh and then the last one the option here the publisher so if i quickly go to my control panel and then.

    Okay here so for example this is office right this is the name of the app this is the publisher the size and install so here you can specify for example vba.

    Into that and this is going to be the product i'm just going to leave it as default and maybe here um i'm just going to paste my youtube link okay and then in office settings.

    As well you can just leave it as default if you want the app name to reflect differently you can just change it here okay maybe like this and just click okay.

    For that and now the last thing is for the so in case you're trying this out in your personal computer and you do not have a shared drive you can just construct it.

    Yourself as well for example i'm just trying to deploy it here this is the name of the computer double bike slash so for example if i bring this up in a notepad uh.

    First is let's say this is your c drive right or you can also do double backslash localhost c drive and then with the dollar sign like this okay for example.

    If i run this now it's gonna open up my c drive like this okay or you can just go with the the name of your computer.

    In this case you can directly um you know like if you run this it's going to bring up your users okay from here you can specify go in further for example currently i'm.

    In this location so you can just set up like the network drive uh in this in this fashion okay so i'm going to copy this link and i'm gonna paste it.

    Here in publish for this as well or you can just leave it blank and now i can save everything before i can publish let me make sure.

    That i uh rebuild and have all the changes covered okay so to rebuild everything successful now i'm gonna go ahead and.

    Um i'll just publish okay and here i get the prompt you can click next i'm just gonna leave that one which is already specified here.

    Or you can specify alternate location and then just the information that we've selected click finish so it does publish all the files.

    Successfully once you go into applications folder you'll see again the same application folder with the version and then within that you'll see um.

    All the related files be it manifest or you know like the file itself and other dll related files for deployment and then uh you can run this uh.

    For installation or you can just double click this as well for example to demonstrate i'm just gonna run this so the window that the user will see is.

    This okay and then if you select the publisher which are verified um it will be you know like uh specified here and then you click on install.

    Okay that's pretty simple like that and now if i go to my programs and refresh so here is the publisher um installed on and then this is the the name of our app.

    And then here's the help link that we added earlier and then you know like update information this is where it's gonna update from okay so for.

    Example um first let me open this app so if you look here here's our version 1.0 okay let me make some updates and republish.

    It okay and then we'll see if the changes are automatically updated so first i'll save it and then i'll rebuild the application.

    Okay reveal one succeed okay everything is good so now i'm gonna go here and publish you can also use go here and do it's the same or you can.

    Go to properties and just publish it okay completing operation you requested okay and then i'm gonna go here and then i'm just gonna clean the solution uh the.

    App and now i'm just gonna open the file this time i'm not installing it you'll observe that it checks for application see.

    Updating the office customization and then here's our version 1.1 let me do one more try save changes rebuild and then publish it.

    And then i'm going to go here and clean it it might not matter much for document level apps but so you see it's really fast and then.

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