DatePicker for Excel UserForm 64-Bit Excel and 32-Bit Excel. Simply DragDrop and use - ID Card Make

DatePicker for Excel UserForm 64-Bit Excel and 32-Bit Excel. Simply DragDrop and use - ID Card Make Hey guys welcome back to my channel i'm lung pamai and this weekend i'm gonna be adding some more videos to the ui and ux series uh in this video i'm gonna introduce you.

DatePicker for Excel UserForm 64-Bit Excel and 32-Bit Excel. Simply DragDrop and use

To date picker x um which is compatible with both uh 32-bit as well as 64-bit excel or office i just designed this last weekend so if you face any problem.

Or issues uh just do let me know in the comment or email me i'll take care of it as soon as possible uh datepickerx is absolutely free you can find the link to download from the.

Video description okay so before we begin if you haven't please do not forget to subscribe for latest updates and also to support my channel.

And uh it will be very helpful if you could share this with other excel users thank you okay so first let me give a quick demo and then i'll show you how to implement.

This it's very simple to implement this uh so this is a sample format building just to demonstrate this uh all these uh labels with dates have a.

Date uh picker attached to it so once you click on the text box it brings up this uh date picker okay and uh you know like like.

Any other calendar you can navigate you know like go to next month or uh you can even go to previous months and then you can jump to the current uh month as well by click on today.

Or you can go directly to other year as well for example let's say we want to go to 2019 or 2020 uh 2021 uh march and then you can select the.

Date and it brings up here yeah and then this is example where you can directly click and bring up this as well or you can have an icon.

Next to the text box or within the text box and you can load it up as well in this fashion similar similar way and then here as well okay so this is an example.

Of where you put the you know like your date picker is on the user form itself and not on the multi-page so if you want to implement it uh in.

    Your multi-page - ID Card Make

    Uh for example in the other ui videos i've shown how to design this app so the time when i built this it was a.

    32-bit excel but now i use excel uh in 64-bit so i've implemented here as well so uh yeah this is what we build and then um.

    Yeah so this is example this all these text box and objects are within the multi-page so i'm gonna also type the you know like i'll tell you how to implement it uh there as well.

    Uh one last demo will be on the color you can also change the color and everything for example to suit uh you know like with the theme of your phone you can also change it.

    Or you can even show the calendar here you know like it doesn't have to be um right next to the text box okay uh one thing i forgot to mention was uh so uh the basic functionality here uh.

    Is if the calendar is uh going to go beyond the uh the form one specific handler i've added is that it's gonna show from the you know like from the top.

    Uh you know like up upwards and then if otherwise it's gonna be you know like right next to the text box in this fashion yeah.

    Okay so um in the video description you'll find to download this particular file okay this is where i've added all the uh the codes and objects necessary for.

    That this is a blank excel i'm gonna demonstrate quickly here there's nothing yeah i'm gonna insert a user phone.

    Let's say this is your user phone

    Uh and then um maybe something like this this for this uh demonstration just be with me.

    And then yes let me quickly put a text here like this yeah so let's say that this is your form um.

    It's not looking good but will serve a purpose okay um now when the user form loads up uh if you want to run a code you put any code.

    Here right message box um hello or something yeah f5 it's gonna say hello and then lots of this one.

    Okay um now let's see that we want to add a date picker to uh some of this field let's say this and this and this yeah i'm gonna just put a back color so that.

    Or maybe a border color let's say we want to put date picker in this highlighted ones for example what you can do is you can download this file from the video description.

    Just open it and you drag these objects into your file okay so this blank excel is what we are demonstrating now so first i'm gonna drag this class just.

    Drag it here into your uh explorer project okay then you'll see that it's it's here now similarly for this one just drag it here.

    And i'll give a quick walkthrough as well what the code does and now the last thing will be in the user form okay in this user phone double click on this.

    And then just copy this object okay so this is data i mean date picker x just select on the frame okay on the frame and just.

    Right click copy go to your phone and you can paste this speaker anywhere okay in your phone if you use a multi-page then you paste this in your multi-page okay now.

    While designing if this is distracting you can just move it like this okay you can leave a space here so that the calendar can show up or you can on runtime you know like increase the.

    Size of the form as well that's up to you and then so now uh we have copied this module uh class and then the object itself.

    Now what we need is if you right click on this template user form 1 and then you go to view code you'll see all this code okay so do one thing just copy everything.

    From here copy all this code go to the bottom copy everything okay and then go to your audio i mean phone and here.

    This is blank excel right this is where we put it so i'm going to get rid of this i'm going to paste it here okay all right so now um what you need to do.

    Is after you paste this here if you already have a code all the codes just make sure this one goes to the top here like this.

    And these ones can be you know like anywhere within your user phone and now you need to add this particular line this line in the initialize uh user formation.

    Slice okay so go to your user phone like this user phone and then select uh initialize and paste this line okay now to start up your phone uh such it's not gonna do anything.

    Now uh in order for the date to show up you can add this line get date okay this is to show the date and this is to hide the date okay so have this.

    In the enter event so if i go back to my form shift f7 and click on this object uh now everything is ready you just need to hook this up you know like.

    Events yeah with this calendar now press f7 it's gonna go and then it's probably gonna bring it the events to change so from here you select enter.

    Okay in this uh whatever your object is enter just add this line get thanks okay now in text box two we have added so if i press f5 now and then please click here it's gonna.

    Show the date picker okay like this so similarly let's do this for um other controls as well so here i can this is again change so i'm gonna select.

    Enter event as soon as it enters then we want to show the date picker yeah and then for this as well right there now you can just.

    Go and compile so that all these unused ones are gone here like this now press f5 it's going to load up the phone and then here it is so if it is it has.

    Enough space is going to go show downwards otherwise it's going to show up or it's like this will position itself yeah like this okay so uh one thing here to notice when.

    You click here if you do not select anything it's gonna it's not gonna close even if you go somewhere else yeah so in that scenario if you want to.

    Automatically hide when you click on other controls you can have this on other controls like this one similarly on enter you can just hide the calendar.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continuetomake videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:
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