Learn Power BI Scholarship + Mentorship Program APPLY NOW - ID Card Make

Learn Power BI Scholarship + Mentorship Program APPLY NOW - ID Card Make Hello my friends avi singh here power bi pro and today i'm here to talk about a truly exciting opportunity the hundred thousand feet scholarship and mentorship so let me.

Learn Power BI Scholarship + Mentorship Program APPLY NOW

Tell you all about it and why you should be interested and what's going on with that name hundred thousand feet all right so why should you be interested well this is for you.

If you are passionate about learning power bi passionate about helping others but there's something going on in your life where it's just kind of holding you back.

Could be a financial hardship could be something else right and you could just use a little bit of help that's where i want to come in and help you out.

So for this with this program you're going to get a full scholarship to the learn power bi program now to be clear this this is also open existing students so even if you're.

Already enrolled you know we'll we'll give you the scholarship for that if you're not enrolled that's that's great right so you get the full scholarship to the learn power bi.

Program but along with that you get something invaluable you're going to get personal direct mentoring from me so think about what that guidance.

What that training could make possible for you now you know this is open to everyone so regardless of who you are in the country gender age sexual.

Orientation race religion doesn't matter or who you are or what situation you're in whether you have a job or not whether you feel like you've done this before.

Whether and again a part of you may be like you know what i'm not sure i can do this well i would encourage you to at least apply.

At least you know try to reach out and uh because i believe that the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human right and if you think about like what is.

Pursuit of happiness i believe it's it's you know its ability to dream ability ability to dream and dream big and we're hoping that's what this.

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    Program - ID Card Make

    Is going to make possible for the selected members i want to share a little bit more about the story behind it certainly behind the.

    Name hundred thousand feet and tell you why we are doing this so those of you who know me know that in 2019 i started hiking and end of that year beginning of 2020 i.

    Had this this goal in my mind which sounded so crazy and i was pretty sure i could never do it and it was.

    This goal to you know hike an elevation of 100 000 feet that's a lot of hiking and again 2019 i didn't think i was ready i didn't think i could do it.

    But i did one thing smart which is i tied this goal with another uh you know something else that i really believe in and that is this charity called.

    Operation smile and they help kids with those which are born with a cleft lip and it truly transforms their life so really this goal.

    Uh what i made was i tied it these two things together that i said hey i'm going to climb a hundred thousand feet and as i'm climbing you know going through that.

    I'm gonna donate a thousand dollars uh to this charity if you do wanna if you're curious to know more about that story and why operations smile.

    You can go to the link here and we'll also put in the description but moving on so far i have climbed 36 almost 37 000 feet and donated uh you know the equivalent amount.

    And i am pretty stoked now that

    I i do want to get 200 000 feet and you know don't need a thousand dollars but really when i step back and and this in a way already has transformed me.

    So that's been a true gift because it let me see what this is about i think this is about reaching for a greatness right and every person maybe that's that's the.

    Dream right i mean that's the real dream to reach for a greatness to be the best we can be right that's greatness but along with that help others achieve theirs because isn't that the case.

    Sometimes so again if you if you look at this beautiful girl she is truly amazing isn't it but she just needed a little bit of help to to step.

    Into her awesomeness and and that's our goal with the hundred thousand feet scholarship and mentorship program yeah just give you that little bit of help you need to step.

    Into your awesomeness all right so so what is it going to involve it's pretty simple elements so the scholarship full scholarship to the learn power bi.

    Program again as i said existing students can also apply uh it's going to have direct mentorship with me not not quite one-on-one it's going to.

    Be a small group so that's not quite right uh this is going to have a limited spot and again i wish we could help everybody but but yeah we're going to we're going.

    To select the best candidates and i'll tell you how you can apply in a second just one more thing about the mentorship just to be clear how it works.

    We're in the same page the way this works is that i'm merely going to be your guide and i can show you the path but it's only you.

    Who needs to walk the path so you need to bring that with you you need to bring that courage and we all have our fears and doubts and.

    I'll be there to kind of cheer you on and help you overcome that but it's still going to be your journey it's it's going to be about the action you.

    Take so how do you apply if so far everything sounds good and it's like yup abby this is awesome i'm really interested and this really fits kind of where i am.

    Or what i want to go then to apply look for the link in the description and if you're watching this video on a mobile phone you have to click on the title to uh to.

    For the description to expand so you can see that and it's going to have a link to fill out a survey now a few things about it take your time filling the surveys not a.

    Race is not a competition right but take your time and and they're no right or wrong answer just give your authentic answers now this may take you some time it may take you 30 minutes it.

    May take you more my advice would be that do not rush right so take your time for that all responses are going to be confidential.

    And and lastly make sure you complete this before the deadline we're going to mention that in the description down below as well so that's it if you have any questions uh.

    Make sure to read the description we'll try to keep updating it with faq as more questions come in but if it's not answered in the description then just.

    Leave your question in the comments and we'll get back to you on that to share something about my personal side my favorite color is pink and that's.

    Been that way ever since our daughter was born and i painted her room pink all right so uh go ahead and reply to the 100 000 feet scholarship and mentorship.

    Opportunity we'll be reviewing each and every single application and we'll reach back to the selected lucky candidates.

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