Tableau Business Intelligence Intermediate Tutorial - ID Card Make

Tableau Business Intelligence Intermediate Tutorial - ID Card Make Trish Conner-Cato: Welcome to LearnIt Training. The exercise files for today's course are located in the video description below. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Hi, everyone. My name is Trish Connor Cato. This course is for any user who has prior Tableau experience. With so many competing technologies, Tableau has emerged as a powerful favorite in the world of business intelligence. This course will take your Tableau skills to the next level by teaching you best practices along with the most sought after dashboard designs..

Tableau Business Intelligence Intermediate Tutorial

You're about to embark upon an intense but amusing journey that will provide you with an arsenal of innovative techniques. Your new tool set will help you reuse your current Tableau worksheets and to create new ones for the purpose of including those worksheets on dashboards that you will be proud to share. Users will enjoy interacting with your dashboards for the purpose of getting deep analytical information from them and they will be impressed with their flexibility. Most important, the class will overview various business scenarios that translate.

Into different types of dashboards, and you will leave with that understanding. By the end of the course, you should be able to create effective dashboards on your own, and you will also walk away with class files that help you get a head start. In each module, we'll work with a specific data set and build visualizations to be used on our dashboards. The third module will focus on Airbnbs in New York. We'll learn how to use global filters and to customize colors. We'll also be using text cards in this module..

In module four, we'll be using Billboard Hot 100 analytics data. We'll cover trends, cluster analysis, adding annotations to a viz, and how to hide field labels. Looking to support our channel and get a great deal? Become a member today to unlock ad free videos. That's right, your favorite courses without a single ad. Interested in a specific video? Purchase one of our ad free courses individually. Looking for even more? Gain access to exams, certificates, and exclusive content at learnitanytime..

Com. More information can be found in the video description below. In our third module, we'll work with the Airbnbs in New York dataset, and you'll learn about global filters, custom colors, and text cards. So I'm going to start this module by going into the folder where I have the files from the video description. For Airbnbs, New York, and I want you to see we're going to use the.

CSV file in Tableau, but it also comes with an image file that we're going to want to use as well. So what I'd like you to do is copy that image because we need to paste it in a specific folder. And now I've navigated to my Tableau repository, which is under my documents folder. And so here There is a shapes folder in the previous module, we used a couple of arrow shapes, and these are the shapes that are built into Tableau that are for our use..

But if you want to use a shape of your own, you're going to have to put it inside this folders subfolder, which we're going to create now. So we're in the shapes folder, and we need to create a new folder within shapes. And it needs to be called my shapes. Now you might already have one there in which case you can just open it and we're going to open it and paste that image in here. So before we close this folder, let's go back to the my tableau.

Repository level because later in this module, we're going to be accessing. this preferences file and we have to access it from this folder. So let's leave that Windows Explorer window open, and then we can navigate to Tableau. In Tableau, we're going to connect via text file as usual. And these data sets are free out on the internet. That's where I got them from. They just happened to come as CSVs. And so we're going to just double click..

That Air AB New York City 2019 data set. And before we get started, let's go over the information that we have in this data set. So we have an ID column, the name, host ID, host name, neighborhood group represents the five boroughs of New York City. And then the neighborhoods are subsections within those groups..

It has some geographic data in the form of latitude and longitude. We have room type, price, minimum nights, the number of reviews, the date of the last review, the reviews per month. Calculated host listing and availability 365. So how available is this Airbnb? If you look at the last review field, you'll notice some null values. And as you scroll down, you'll see more of them. And they correspond to no values in the reviews per month field..

And what we want to do is filter them out. So they won't show on any of our visualizations. We're going to go to the upper right corner and click on the add button and then add again. The field is last review and okay. And at the bottom, we're going to select individual dates and next, and then we'll see that no value on the list. We're going to check it. And then, underneath to the right, we're going to go ahead and check Exclude..

It lets you know that it excluded one of 1765 dates. We're going to click OK. And now, the other thing that we want to do, If I actually, I should have pointed this out, click on last review again and click edit. The date range for this data set goes all the way back to 2011 and it's through 2019. So we're going to just focus on 2018 and 2019..

    So I'm going to click OK on that. And I'm going to add another filter based on the same field, last review, click OK. - ID Card Make

    And this one, I'm going to click years and next. And what I'm going to do is, I'm going to select all of these, except 20. 2018 and 2019 and exclude them. And we will click OK and OK. So it lets you know right here, the last review filter excludes null and the.

    Year of last review keeps 2018 and 2019. We'll click OK. Our data set will refresh. And we're pretty good to go here. So let's go ahead and click on sheet one. So the way this module is going to work is we're going to build four visualizations, and then we'll copy one of them and modify it. So we'll have a total of five..

    Then we're going to use those five visualizations to use global filters on, which is during the first lesson. After that, we're going to modify the preferences file to create a custom color palette. And then we'll apply that on some of our sheets. Now at that point, we're in Lesson 2. We'll then create our dashboard and end the module by creating text cards, also known as summary tiles, on worksheets. And we'll then use those on our dashboard..

    So let's get busy building our first viz. We're going to name this sheet, and I'm going to use the pound sign to represent number, or as they call it a hashtag, number of reviews by month. And we're going to drag the last review to columns, and we want it to be the month, so I'm going to use the drop down this time. And I'm going to select my month year combination. Notice we only have 2018 and 2019 in our dataset..

    And I'm going to go ahead and double click on the number of reviews measure. And it automatically puts it up in rows for me. Let's say we want to include more data. So we're going to go back to the Data Source tab. In the upper right, we're going to go to Edit under Filters. And we're going to click the Year of Last Review filter and edit it. And let's uncheck 2017 and 2016. So we'll have a couple of more years of data and we'll go ahead and click okay..

    And then, okay. Now when we go back to our number of reviews by month sheet, you'll see that we have more data in it to give it more context. We're going to drag neighborhood group to rows in front of sum. So now for each borough in New York City, we're seeing the number of reviews by month. And we can right click on neighborhood group, the heading, and we're going to hide field labels for rows. And then what we can do is we're going to add neighborhood group to filters..

    We're going to leave all of them. I'm going to just do use all and click okay. And then I'm going to show that filter and I'm going to make it a multiple value drop down. Now this would be a good time for us to save our file. I'm going to call it NYC Airbnb. I'm also going to add neighborhood group to color so we get some more visual interest on our chart. And of course you have your color legend on the right..

    So, for right now, we're gonna go ahead and bring up a new sheet. We're gonna name this sheet, Air B& B New York Density Map. And so, we are gonna just put longitude. in columns, and we don't want it to be an average. So I'm going to right click on its pill and I'm going to make it a dimension instead of a measure..

    And we're going to put latitude in rows and do the same with latitude, make it a dimension. And at this point it gives us a map. It's not yet a density map. This is your symbol map. And so We're going to make it a density map in just a little bit. First, we're going to put neighborhood group and neighborhood. in detail on the marks card..

    So now when we hover over any mark on our map, we're seeing the latitude

    And the longitude, the neighborhood and the neighborhood group. And I want to change the order of these. So I want neighborhood group to be first, and I swapped that at the bottom of the marks card. Oh, I thought I did. Let's see. Oh, there's my arrow. Yeah. So now when I hover, nope, it's still showing that way in the tooltip..

    So I'm going to click on tooltip and I'm going to fix it here. Just going to cut that and paste it. And now I'm going to click okay. So now, because the borough is actually Brooklyn, and the neighborhood that I'm pointing to is Bushwick, and you'll notice as I move around the map, the latitude and the longitude change. And if I stay in that area, the neighborhood will change as well..

    So now I'm over in Queens. It's another borough of New York. Here's Staten Island. This is Queens. And if I zoom out on the map, here's the Bronx and Manhattan. So you have your boroughs there. So to make this a density map, on the mocks card, we're going to do the dropdown next to automatic. And at the bottom, we're going to select density..

    So now you can see the darker colors are the areas where there's more Airbnb activity. So there's a lot in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn. Here we are in Manhattan, looks like it has the most. That is what a density map looks like. Now, we're gonna put a background map on here. Um, and so, we can do this from the map menu, hover over background.

    Maps, and they have, you know, at the top, all different kinds. I'm gonna select dark. because a density map really looks good when it has that dark contrast. It's actually easier to see. And now you can go back to map, background maps. Another one that I like is satellite. I'm going to end up using dark. Because it contrasts better with the density. But I also like the satellite background map as well..

    I'm gonna go back and change it to dark. Now, in addition to adding background maps, you can add background layers to a map. And we can go to the map menu for that as well. and choose background layers. And this panel will open up on the left side of your screen. And you can see at the top, it has the style, right? We don't have any wash out on ours. If we did, you'll notice that we can make the dark style kind of fade away..

    So I'm not going to put a washout on it. And then you have a host of background map layers. Some of them are checked by default, like base and land cover. You have your country and region borders and names. Same for state provinces. And those are coming checked out of the box. And so we want to add a few more layers. We would like to select streets, highways, and routes, or routes.

    Depending on where you're from. I'm actually from New York originally so I say routes. I'm gonna check that one. And you can see more detail on your map. We also are going to check county names And so you can see the different counties surrounding, this is New Jersey over here, New York, this is Long Island over here. And the last one we're going to check is cities..

    So they will show on the map as well. Now the density portion is covering certain things. Queens is a county, Bronx is a county, so on and so forth. You have NASA county, which is on Long Island, and then you have your city names as well. We can close that background layer panel. The other thing that can be good to show on the map is the map scale..

    So we can also do that from the map menu. And we're going to go to map options. And so at the bottom, we're going to check show map scale. And it shows in the bottom right hand corner of the map. So it's showing you how large 10 miles would be on the map. You also can change the units to metric if you need to. If you like to see it in kilometers, I'm going to put it back on automatic, which is U S and this map options also control what else shows on the map..

    So this whole thing here, this is your map search, right? You have layer controls, your view toolbar, it allows pan and zoom, and I'm going to close map options. And if I hover over this. This right arrow, these are some other options, zoom area. If I want to pan the map, right now it's on a rectangular selection. I'm going to put it on pan, and that way I can click and drag to different areas..

    Of this map. And I'm also using the roller bar on my mouse to zoom in and out, so I'll be able to see more surrounding areas if I wanted to. But we're focused on New York City here. We have a couple other things we're gonna do with this map. We're gonna click on color. On the mocks card, and we can change the opacity of our density area. So you can see the city and county names underneath and everything, right?.

    But I'm going to make it a little bit more opaque, so I can basically still see those names through it. And then I can change the intensity of it as well, when I amp the intensity up to a hundred percent. It actually becomes more clear for the viewer. You can see the darker areas, the more, the areas that have more air and Airbnbs, but it also makes it a little bit larger. And I don't generally speaking, like the intensity to be that high..

    So then I'm going to click anywhere to collapse the color. card. And then I'm going to click on size on the marks card. And I can also manually change the size of that area without changing the intensity. if I wanted to. And let's go ahead and save our file and bring up a new sheet. We're gonna name this sheet NYC Borough Map. And we're gonna drag Longitude to Columns, make it a dimension,.

    And Latitude to Rows, same thing. We're going to drag Neighborhood Group to Color, And we're also going to drag it to label. So now you can see, like, if you're not from New York, you might want to see the color coding, but also see the names of the different boroughs. And as I zoom out, those labels don't show as well..

    When I zoom in, you're definitely not able to view. Well, they'll populate, but there's just going to be many more of them. So they're repeating each borough all over the map. in addition to the color coding. And that may be helpful because that way is people don't want to hover over a different point of the map, a different mark to see the neighborhood group. They can actually see them on the map. It can be helpful if you're not familiar with the area. We're going to go ahead and click on label on the marks card,.

    And I am going to go to text. And for the text, Well, that's fine. We don't have to change that. Sorry. Cancel. I'm going to go to font and I'm going to make it 12 point and bold. So they stand out a little bit more on the map. I'm also going to create a neighborhood group filter. And we're going to keep, we're going to use all, click OK. And we want to show that filter. And you know that we want it to be a multiple values drop down..

    So if, that way if someone wants to narrow in on just a particular neighborhood, like Manhattan and perhaps Queens. They can just focus on those areas on the map. I'm going to switch it back to all. And we are going to go ahead and save our file and bring up a new sheet. We're going to go ahead and name this one, and I'm going to abbreviate average AVG prices by borough and neighborhood..

    We're going to drag price to columns. And change it to Average. And we want Neighborhood Group and Neighborhood in Rows. Let's go ahead and create. a neighborhood group filter, our regular multiple values drop down. And you can do that one on your own. I'm going to just have you pause the video, do it, and then resume. We're also going to drag neighborhood group to color..

    So we get our legend. So, if we scroll down, you'll see when we get to Brooklyn, we'll start seeing the orange, and so on and so forth. And, we want to sort these bars in descending order. So I'm gonna hover over this gray area here, and here's the sort button. And when I click it, It puts the highest average price at the top, and that is per barrel. So as I scroll down, when I get to Brooklyn, I'll see its.

    Highest average bar at the top. Now we want to add a reference line to this, so Um, the last time we did this in a previous module, we did it from the x axis. This time, we're gonna go to the analytics pane on the left, and we're gonna click and hold on reference line and drag it into the view, and we want it in every pane, so I'm gonna drop it on top of pane. And what we want is the average..

    We want to see the average, average price, basically is what we're saying here. So we can track where we are within that average. And at this point, I can move that over and already see the line. So you'll have that dark horiz yeah, the dark vertical line going straight down in the pane for the Bronx. And once I close this box, I'm going to click OK. And hover over it, it lets me know what the average is for that particular neighborhood group..

    And it's 84. 1. So, you see the ones that are above the average price. And go down and you can see the same line. It moves in each pane for where that particular borough's average is. And that helps with a quick visual analysis. Um, you can quickly see that by scrolling down, Manhattan has the highest average price, and the Bronx has the lowest. Let's go ahead and save our file. And this time we're going to copy our Average Prices by.

    Borough and Neighborhood sheet. And we're going to name this sheet Average price of room type by borough. And we're gonna delete the neighborhood pill in the rows shelf. And we're gonna add room type to the rows shelf in place of it. So this already had our reference lines on it, right? So, that's good, it's just by borough, we don't have the neighborhoods, but we have the room types in here, so we can do the comparison..

    Go ahead and save your file. Before we start using them, let's talk about global filters. They give you the ability to set up a filter on one worksheet. and use it on others. So you know the problem we've run into with previous dashboards. When we have these individual filters on sheets that we're showing, all of those show filters come over to the dashboard. Even if it's the same filter, it's assigned to a different sheet..

    So this will help you work through that. When you're using global filters, there are four basic options. The first one is related primary data source. You can use the filter on selected or all worksheets that use a related primary data source. The filters will have a sheets icon when they're used this way. Then you have current primary data source filters, and they can be used on all sheets using the same data source. These types of filters will have a database icon when they're used..

    Selected worksheets. If any of the worksheets you select already contain a filter on the same field, the dialog box will provide details about that filter. If you still select a sheet, the current filter will override any existing filter selections. And then lastly, you have the ability to filter all worksheets on a dashboard. It can be utilized with the same data source or related data sources.

    As their primary data source. So now we're going to use these. So, what we're going to do now is, I'm on the number of reviews by month sheet, and that is the first sheet. that we use the neighborhood group filter on. We've also used that same filter. on every other sheet except your density map. So what I'd like you to do is go to all of those other sheets. You're going to leave number of reviews by month alone..

    Go to all those other sheets, click on the neighborhood group pill in the filter shelf and delete it and then come back to this sheet. So now that you've done that, on the number of reviews by month sheet, we're going to right click on that filter pill and we're going to hover over apply to worksheets. So the language here is a little bit different than on the slide, which is interesting, because the language on the slide is the language from all the Tableau sites. So the first option here, you all using, apply to worksheets.

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