VSTO e10 - Create Custom Ribbon using XML - Dynamic Menu to work with Workbooks and Sheets - ID Card Make

VSTO e10 - Create Custom Ribbon using XML - Dynamic Menu to work with Workbooks and Sheets - ID Card Make Okay so this is working so based on the selection of the user or element you can run specific code within add in to do certain tasks in the world current workbook for example or it may be.

VSTO e10 - Create Custom Ribbon using XML - Dynamic Menu to work with Workbooks and Sheets

Pulling something from based on these parameters for criterias you can pull in something from external you know like sources okay I'm gonna close this and now we will talk a little bit more on.

How to construct this dynamic menu no let's try it dynamic menu this our combo box but instead of that will try the dynamic menu so quickly going back to our ribbon.

Acts episode for VBA just quickly give you a demo so this is a dynamic menu that we constructed that is on runtime okay and if I go to code yeah this is the one that runs this is basically all.

String as a demonstration so we can reuse the callback as well as this and example is also here by the way in this in the same page okay dynamic menu and as you scroll down get contain this what.

We want to use and this is example line so going back here instead of this combo box we're gonna have the dynamic menu get this content we'll just leave it as it is label is already there maybe I'll.

Just leave this as it is okay you can assign more properties I can say set image you can assign the size normal large and all this and then let me go back here and copy this signature.

Again remember this suit and this should be public and this let me just copy this and then we'll try to get something dynamic from the current sheet workbook don't know let's make just a function.

Because we want to return something and this get content menu should be the name of the code and we need to prefix this okay for now I'm gonna leave this as it is and then we want to return.

Oops máximo you first let's try this ctrl f5 so there's a dynamic menu Colbeck signature mismatch okay let me check this so looks like the signature is not.

Same let me just leave it like this okay we have assigned the image in the source here and this was done using our custom UI editor and we've already said image so if we want to use the custom image.

Then that's we have to approach differently okay I don't think we need to even open that I can directly change this MSO let me change all this graph let me change all this too quickly.

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    Replace this - ID Card Make

    Similarly with this this button ID as well need to be all unique what I was just gonna give an error.

    Let's try one more time okay so all these are said to smiley but you get an idea okay so now we can look through whatever you know like the current work will be this if there are more sheets it.

    Will list the name of the sheets here okay let's try them let me go ahead and delete all of them all these lines to somewhere here we'll make this part we'll look through the sheets and then.

    We'll assign a value here so let's start off for let's call this SH as XO dot worksheet and this admins thought sorry let's start from Global's just said him that application dot worksheets and.

    We'll bring him here like this so the button ID can be the sheet name so remember this single code which is here and I'll see the label is well this I'm gonna leave this as it is and we can.

    Also put on action go here and on action so the order does not matter its case sensitive they'll just remember done and let's call this dynamic item just gonna be the coda will.

    Run will take care of the signature in event and then here we need to invalidate controls or voice is not going to reverse this no I'll just leave it as it is let's see.

    What it's working first I'm gonna add multiple sheets unable to cast okay just give me a moment I think it's just here this is not in return a string if this doesn't.

    Work we can try to make a variable Gilliam is specifically so button button at the syntax seems to be okay looks like some assembly is missing let's import some more will.

    Import office interlope and may be

    Specific to X so let's say X R equal to Microsoft interlock and this is gonna be okay because it doesn't seem to understand at the moment.

    Let me start up again I'm not be using the error handlers now so we can directly okay it looks like it's working now more sheets okay life okay now upon selection we can activate.

    The sheets as well maybe we can try with a new workbook so book to book one so here we have only one sheet okay button one is static okay so these are all dynamic for the inmates I'm a so you.

    Already know where to find it in the same link you'll find a table as well as a visual you know like many of which you can see gallery where you can choose the image okay so let's quickly take care of.

    This on action dynamic item here whatever is chosen we can we'll try different method here whatever control was selected this is basically gonna return the name of the sheet and for the.

    First button is gonna call here we don't have action button so it's not gonna do anything even if you know clicks on it call demo button no action and for this one's is gonna call this one and which.

    Is this so we'll try to use maybe we'll try with simpler words first Lobos if we don't want to select the active sheet I do for a book shoots and maybe.

    This let's see if this works diagnosed much I'm not let's try another approach let's try to hook the workbook using get VST or object method and we'll see if that works.

    Let's call team native workbook and okay let's try this once can't dismantle seems to be working three to six ok let's try with the new.

    Work with this wall she needs okay now let's move on to edit box and then the check box should be simple after that.

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