Get started with AI Copilot in Power Apps Studio Build and Edit Apps with AI - ID Card Make

Get started with AI Copilot in Power Apps Studio Build and Edit Apps with AI - ID Card Make Hello everyone Raza here AI co-pilot in powerapps is now available inside the powerapps studio experience this allows us to build and continue.

Get started with AI Copilot in Power Apps Studio Build and Edit Apps with AI

Editing our power app by simply describing our actions that we need to take in natural language and the AI co-pilot will spring into action and perform the updates in the app for us.

So let's check out this new experience in action we can create an app through conversations by leveraging the maker.

Co-pilot feature we can simply describe the needs of our app in everyday words for the demo I'll pick one of the suggestions track sales leads.

Submit and the co-pilot experience lights up in the right hand side panel AI suggests a table based on the description that I provided for the app.

I would like to build we can modify this suggested table we can change the table name we can add columns remove columns add sample data and a lot more.

And once we are ready we can click create app and this will begin the process of creating that table in dataverse and creating a single screen fully.

Responsive canvas power app and this is the app that it has generated now the new co-pilot feature is the ability for us to continue editing our.

App with the help of copilot powered by AI we can tell copilot what changes we need to make to our app in simple language and let AI do the work for us.

We've got some suggestions here to begin with like add a label or a gallery or a button so let's start with add a new screen.

And we can see that copilot has gone ahead and added a new screen I have the ability to undo this action since AI generated content may be incorrect.

Let's try adding a label it's added a label control and also updated its text property we can also add things in bulk for example.

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    We can also perform bulk editing change fill of all buttons to Orange now notice it only changed the one button that I had selected.

    AI generated content can be incorrect so I always have the option to undo I can select multiple controls change fill for selected buttons to Orange.

    And in one go copilot has made the updates the suggestions that are provided we can refresh and get an idea as to what are the different actions that the co-pilot.

    Could potentially perform for us currently please note modern controls are not supported now let's ask copilot to add an email screen.

    So copilot will build a screen that will allow us to send an email it's created the screen for us to send an email I would like to come to the screen.

    From my main screen now the main screen is built with responsive container controls I can select the specific container in which I would like to add controls.

    And I can provide that information to the co-pilot add a button to the selected container change text of selected button to send email.

    Now on select of this button I would like to navigate the user to my email screen which is called screen 2. I'll select the button and my prompt will be on click of.

    Selected button navigate to screen 2. and we can see that it's gone ahead and updated the on Select Property for the specific button and we can see it on the properties pane.

    Right here the formula

    If I preview the app if I click Send email I land in the email screen now for this screen.

    I would like to add a button to take the user back to the previous screen so add a button in screen to take user back to previous screen and it's gone ahead and added a new.

    Button the on Select Property has been changed it's set to the function back I'll ask copilot to change the selected.

    Button color to Gray and change the selected button text to back I'll reposition some controls on the screen.

    If I preview the app and select back takes me back to the previous screen so just like that I have a screen that can send an email.

    And I can go back to my main screen that shows all the information about my sales leads now copilot can make changes to my app but at the same time it can also help.

    Answer questions for example what is powerapps ankle pilot goes about describing what powerapps is or how to call Flow from powerapps.

    Plus if you ask it specific questions that it cannot perform any app building actions for us it will fall back to q a this is a direct question about how to call a flow from powerapps and we can.

    See that co-pilot provides step-by-step guidance on how that can be potentially performed very useful when you are trying to learn about different Power effects functions.

    For example explain the patch function goes about explaining what the function does its syntax and a lot more or how can I share my power app with external users.

    Co-pilot is your friend it's working with us throughout the journey helping us create the table helping us create the app and now with copilot and the studio experience it can.

    Work with us to answer questions and make changes to our app now the new co-pilot experience in canvas Studio works for existing apps as well and new apps.

    Let's say I need to build a power app that is connected to a SharePoint list and this is an app that I would like to build from scratch so I'll start.

    With a blank canvas app tablet form factor I'll click add the studio experience lights up and on the right hand side my co-pilot is ready.

    To work with me in my app I can easily connect to any data source of my choice currently I'm connecting to SharePoint connect to my SharePoint site.

    And connect to my SharePoint list now I want to create a screen based on the screen templates that are provided I can always select new screen and pick.

    The templates but I can also ask copilot to do it add a new screen with sidebar and it's gone ahead and created a new screen which has the responsive.

    Container controls let's select the header container my next prompt is to set fill of selected container to Blue and it's gone ahead and updated the fill.

    Property add label to selected container that's the label change color of selected label to White change the text of the selected label to.

    Discount request app and so and so forth foreign I would like to show all my sales discount requests.

    So I'll select the sidebar container and state add a gallery to the selected container goes ahead adds the gallery I can directly connect it to my SharePoint.

    List I can open the properties of the gallery pick different styles and just like that the sidebar container shows the data.

    Directly from my SharePoint list now there are various AI based capabilities baked in directly into the studio experience as an example this label control that.

    Shows the discount here we have the options of adding conditional formatting or text formatting via AI.

    Let's try text formatting currently it shows the number which is the discount I would like to show this as 14.

    That's my desired format and notice AI suggests an expression that's a powerfx formula for me that I can simply select and apply and just like that you can see the label.

    Is representing the data in the format that I defined now I need a form control so the user can edit or add data into my SharePoint list.

    My next prompt add form control to selected container and this time I picked the main container so it adds the form control.

    My data source is called sales discount requests connect selected form control to sales discount requests list and we can see how it's added the data.

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