AI-Powered Lead Sorting: Automate Your CRM with Make

AI-Powered Lead Sorting: Automate Your CRM with Make In this video we'll explore how Julia helped rajes automate sales lead sorting using AI so let's dive into it Julia needs to sort unstructured leads from a.

AI-Powered Lead Sorting: Automate Your CRM with Make

Convention by industry and person and then save them back into her Google sheet this is where the concept of unstructured data comes in unstructured data is essentially any long sentence or.

Note you take like the example shown here from Nicola the goal is to extract the most important parts from this unstructured data name first name email and Industry.

Interests and finally turning it into structured information doing this manually would be extremely timec consuming that's where AI comes.

In let's dive into the scenario so we will be building this simple scenario using the Google Sheets with unstructured leads the open AI module to transform the data and then.

Another Google Sheets module to update our CRM so to set up my first module we needed to connect to our sheet this time we use the document ID you can find this ID in the URL in this section right here.

Then we specified Write Sheet name and if the sheet contains headers the last thing we did there was to select the column range now as we want that it returns all.

Our sales leads which are unstructured we can simply say there should be no filter in the module settings okay so now let's run this only once and you can see here now it returns in a.

Single line all the unstructured content so now let's go to open AI this time I searched for an action called transform text to structure data to configure this module I first needed.

A connection and then to choose a model in this case I opted for chat GPT 4 as I wanted to get some extra quality after that that I map the text to parse in other words the unstructured.

Data about my leads which I retrieved from my Google sheet time to head to the prompt there I am passing some context first to ensure that the output has higher.

Quality all I am saying here is that the AI will get align with the lead then I ask it to perform the task which is simply to extract last name first name email and the industry interest just.

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    Like I mentioned in my

    Introduction I then then moved on to define the structured data where I specified the name and the description of each of those.

    Values then I selected the data type of that value and gave a simple example this is not anything new you have been doing this in a standard prompt as well the one thing different here is the.

    Format as this module structures The Prompt for you in the background you can see that I did exactly the same for the other values I wanted to extract such as the last name.

    Here and the email right below with the email value it's actually not necessary to provide an example because AI can recognize it on its own because all.

    Emails have a similar format and the last data type I'm specifying here is the industry interest now once we have the data inside here we can run now the two.

    Modules of Google Sheets and open AI before we save the data into our third module of Google Sheets this is needed so we have the examples we want to map in the third module which you can see we.

    Got back in the way we wanted just a quick note because you might have noticed we unlink the modules this was simply to run the two modules alone without the third module saving the data.

    To the Google Sheets that's what we will configure together now so for our last module we selected the Google sheet action that adds a new row for every processed.

    Lead we again use the document ID to connect to our CRM as in the first module but note that this time we are working with a different sheet in the same.

    File this sheet also contains headers so

    That's what I specified and as the last step I just had to map the values with The Columns of that sheet so the automation puts.

    Values in the right place and that's everything so let's now run the whole scenario to see if the open AI module actually extracts all unstructured data and it does you can see it starts.

    Running as it starts pulling in the data in here so with this you can turn unstructured data from leads or sentences into structured data which you.

    Can reuse in for example your CRM or Erp system so congratulations on making it this far and learning how to leverage AI to Save hours in data formatting apart from that you also explored some other.

    Modules of open AI that go beyond the simple prompt completion that's it for this tutorial and I look forward to learning with you in the next videos.

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