Automate Your Social Strategy: Make & AI

Automate Your Social Strategy: Make & AI Hi everyone and welcome to this video in this tutorial Julia wants to create social media posts and she's hoping that AI will help her so we will be helping her to create 10 different.

Automate Your Social Strategy: Make & AI

Social media posts so she has already defin the title of the post and the appropriate Channel now what Julia wants is for the AI to do the rest of the.

Work so she wants the AI to also suggest the optimal tone create an outline and generate some keywords that are relevant for this article and last but not least she wants.

To draft the final article so let's have a look at how we can do this let's log in to and open our scenario.

Builder we will start with the Google Sheets module because that's where our list is as in our previous videos we will look for get range values to load all.

Data from our sheet we first set up the module and connect the right file I can see my social media post right.

There now just to select the right sheet let's then select the right range and specify where the headers lie I know my headers are in the first row so I will make sure to specify this.

Here great let's test the module now to see whether we are getting back the values that we are supposed to I can see that we are getting the.

Right values so let's proceed to building the AI part we will start by generating the keyword for our blog we look for open Ai and the action.

Called create a chat completion which is essentially like sending messages to chat GPT here you can notice we already have our connection set up but if you are.

Struggling to set up yours go back to our earlier video which shows this in depth great let's move on to setting the necessary details you can leave the method on chat.

Completion which is again the same as when you are talking to chat GPT then you select your model I like to choose the GPT 4 Omni because it is a fast option that is cost- effective but.

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    You could also go for other options like

    The chat GPT 4 then I select the role in this tutorial we will be working in two different roles first the system role.

    And then the user role why we do that and what's a system role has been explained in more detail during our video about data enrichment but to sum up we use the system role to.

    Give context and the user role to give instructions if is sometimes useful in scenarios like this one to keep the context separated because it is being gradually built but it's not.

    Mandatory you can use just the user rle too so to build our context let's use this prompt you're a social media marketer for automation platform.

    Make your goal is to write a social media post on the channel this post has this title and I then insert the title from our Google sheet.

    You're tasked to write a social media post on and I insert the channel the last thing is just the part about giving the context about the Right.

    Audience and mapping it there that's all for our system context now in our user message I will insert my second prompt return back 10 keywords that.

    Would help to make the article rank high on SEO make sure the keywords are relevant to the title don't return anything else than.

    The keywords and then just include the example output if you're curious about writing a good prompt I recommend you to go back.

    To your lesson on

    Prompting great let's now Define the max number of tokens here I'm returning back keywords only so I don't expect this to be a real.

    Long message so I can just put 300 tokens which is quite a low amount just a reminder tokens are a currency for open Ai and any other similar.

    Provider and that's it for our first module so now it's time to create a second module but before doing that let's rename the first module I like to do this when I chain.

    Apps from the same providers so I can quickly find which module Returns what I think keywords is an appropriate name for that module and now for my second module.

    I'll search for the right action from open Ai and start setting it up the same way as the previous module I can just copy the context from before that's why it's very.

    Useful I'll first select a model and then copy paste my system prompt and I'll just add one more thing I will add the keywords that I generated in my previous module.

    So let's add the keywords into our system prompt we can then move on to the user message in this message I'll be asking the AI to return back the right tone for.

    The article which would make the blog resonate with the brand make so I'm trying to personalize it even further for my use case again I don't forget to include an.

    Example of the output which in my case gives back a tone that is optimistic but professional needs to be informative but not too long and that's it for this.

    One finishing with renaming the module and I am all good for this one let's add the third module in this module I'll generate the outline so let's set it up the same way.

    As the previous ones and add the system context I can again add the system context from the previous module but on top of that I will also include the tone in which I.

    Expect to write the article which will again help me to go step by step in building this article in the best way possible great that's it so as to the user prompt this time it will be a.

    Little bit longer but that's just because of the example output I'm asking for so return the outline which should not be too long specific is better than general make sure the outline reflects.

    The title tone and we can't forget the audience I then specify that want my outline returned in the bullet points and then I give it an example of an output this time you can see the output.

    Might be a little longer so let me specify a higher number of tokens and I'll rename my module to say outline so that's it for this one and let's get.

    To our final piece and generate the article let me set it up first once again let's use the system context from the previous one except this time of course we also have an.

    Outline so I'll just paste it in when map the outline I take the result from the previous module great let's go to the user message write a post based on title tone.

    Keywords and outline be brief and authentic again reiterating not to go too far don't return anything else just the post.

    Don't include any symbols like the two asterisks which is what the AI often does and that's it I will give a little more leeway with the number of tokens and I'm all set to go I just need to.

    Rename my module let's call it the post let's give it a go and try to run this and I can see that everything is going smoothly but my Google sheet is is.

    Not being updated since I didn't configure my module so the last thing that I need to do is to update our original Google sheet once I find the right module I.

    Need to set it up I look for sheets that have been shared with me and then select the one I need let's wait until the rest loads up great now just to specify the right.

    Sheet and map the row number since we already have the title the channel and the audience there's no need to do anything about those let's now add the keywords and.

    Then we went on by to obtain the tone so we'll just map it there and then we obtain the outline and then the blog post itself so that's it let's save it up and.

    Run the whole scenario amazing I can now head back to my original Google sheet because I can see that my scenario is running without problems it also seems that my Google.

    Sheet is reflecting the new updates so that's great you can see that by now we are already combining quite a lot of Knowledge from the previous videos and we are able to generate social media.

    Posts in seconds this will hopefully help you and Julia scale your social media campaigns and become unbeatable to take this case even.

    Further you could connect your social media directly as the last module and post it there straight away or you could automate the creation of titles and audience for the posts so.

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