The NEW Microsoft Planner: Overview + Planner Premium Features

The NEW Microsoft Planner: Overview + Planner Premium Features Hello everyone razza here in this video we will explore the new Microsoft planner app in teams the new planner allows us to manage all our tasks across Microsoft 365 in one.

The NEW Microsoft Planner: Overview + Planner Premium Features

Location plus it comes with premium features like co-pilot timeline view and so much more so let's check it out in action the new Microsoft planner app in teams.

Is a simple Work Management Solution that's assisted by Ai and integrated into Microsoft 365 products we know and love like to-do planner project to install this app in teams go.

To apps search for planner and here is the new planner app for teams One-Stop shop for task management my tasks this will show all.

Your tasks includes details about the source status label checklist priority due date and.

More no matter where the tasks are assigned to me from the Microsoft 365 ecosystem the assigned to me tab will amalgamate all those tasks and show it right here I can look at my private.

Tasks flagged emails and if I head over to all all the tasks across all the M365 products from to-do lists to Loop tasks to flagged emails to private.

Tasks to planner plans to project I can select any one of these tasks and update its details or I can simply complete the task my day will show a list of all the.

Tasks that I'll be working on today if I go back to my tasks I can select any task and add it to my day back to my day the task that I just added is right.

Here my plans this will show a list of all the plans that I've recently worked on or my shared plans my personal plans I also have the option to pin.

Plans so I can quickly access those plans to pin a plan all we have to do is hover over the plan and select pin to create a plan click on new.

Plan and here we have options to create basic plan plans as well as premium plans we are provided with a set of templates that help us quickly get started with creating a plan click on.

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    Templates this will take us to a view where the templates are categorized for project management you can start with a simple plan or a.

    Project management plan there are templates for software development business and a lot more the template that you select can be a basic template or a premium.

    Template let's start off with a basic project management template I'll say use the template I can give the plan a name I can pin it to the left nav for easy.

    Access I can associate this with an existing M365 group if I want to share this plan with other users or I can keep this as an individual plan which I'll do for now.

    And click create so this goes ahead and creates the plan and adds all the tasks based upon the template this is our standard planner.

    Experience right here in the teams app the board view shows the tasks categorized by buckets I can look at the tasks in a grid.

    View I can open the details for a specific task update the details of the task ask if I would like to collaborate with other users in my.

    Organization I'll click on share since I created this plan for myself now I need to either create a new M365 group or associated with an existing group I'll create a new.

    One I want to collaborate with Sarah and James I'll click create the group and just like that my group is created and I have the ability now to start.

    Assigning tasks to Sarah and

    James I can also go to scheduled view where I can see the list of tasks mapped on a calendar or I can explore the charts.

    View to get a holistic summary of tasks in the plan premium plans come with a lot of great features including things like Sprint planning goals View people view.

    Dependencies between tasks custom fields and a lot more I'll select a template that requires the Premium plan this requires a premium project.

    License if you do not have that you can always start a free trial and get started I have the trial license to try out the premium features Sprint planning I'll use the.

    Template this one I'll associate with an already existing M365 team pin it to the left nav and create the grid view lists out all the tasks I'll click on details for a.

    Specific task start date end date defines the duration of the task here Define the total level of effort needed to complete this task I'll specify 16 hour to.

    Complete this task I'll assign this task to myself and let's say I completed four hours of this task you can see how it automatically calculates the.

    Effort the next task draft user stories I'll assign this to James based upon the start and end date sets the duration and the hours since it's a Premium plan I can.

    Add task dependencies so I can say this task is dependent upon the first task and I can do the same for all my running list of tasks then we have the new timeline view.

    That Maps out the tasks along with its dependencies in this Gan chart like experience we also have a new people view where we can look at all the tasks assigned to.

    Users assignments is a list view experience of the people View plus we can set goals and connect tasks to our goals simply click on ADD goal and connect tasks to that specific.

    Goal we also have the power of co-pilot in a Premium plan I've asked co-pilot to add goals for Sprint planning and coil pilot has made.

    Suggestions for additional goals which I can either accept undo refresh and more we've got various templates to choose from however if you would like to start off with a blank plan we have two.

    Options to choose from the basic plan and the Premium plan which includes additional features like co-pilot timeline goals and more here is an employee onboarding.

    Premium plan that I have created you can create tasks and subtasks and dependencies between tasks if you explore this on a timeline view this gives me a Gant chart view of.

    All the tasks in my plan and I can clearly see the interdependencies between tasks as well exploring the people view will give me the breakdown of the tasks assigned.

    To each of these individual visuals plus we have the option to add our own custom columns as part of the task these are the list of columns that are currently.

    Available I added goal so I can look at the tasks that are associated with a specific goal or I can go and add a new field these are the various data types.

    That are supported and this field will be available to all the tasks in the specific plan I'll create the text field and call it notes create it's added to my view and.

    If I go to a specific task here are my custom Fields plus we have the power of conditional formatting all the tasks that are.

    Assigned to me I would like to highlight it in this specific color so go ahead give the new planner app a try and easily manage all your.

    Tasks to-dos lists plans and projects in one location if you enjoyed this video then do like comment and subscribe to my YouTube channel and thank you so much.

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