Ai Resume I How to Make Resume Using Ai Website - ID Card Make

Ai Resume I How to Make Resume Using Ai Website - ID Card Make Foreign where we bring you valuable tips and tricks for Career Success.

Ai Resume I How to Make Resume Using Ai Website

Today we are diving into the world of resume creation exploring a revolutionary way to design a professional eye-catching resume through an AI powered website so grab your.

Favorite beverage sit back and let's get started today we are living in an era where many types of work can be done instantly by using artificial intelligence.

Therefore in today's video we are going to see how to create a resume using the same artificial intelligence therefore we go to the website next level.

Here we can completely use AI to improve the content I have opened AI resume website here called Next Level dot app this website has a very nice interface if you look below you will see the.

Create your AI resume button press this button we have reached the login screen here we have to login with our mobile number and OTP will be sent to the number we.

Provide here I am entering my number from here you can select your country code after enter your number let's press continue now let's create our profile all the details asked here can be typed.

You can type the first name here if you want last name in the next column it is optional now we have to create a username to log into this website after that if there is any type of invitation.

Code you can type it here now you can continue by ticking this option of I am 18 years of age and now the OTP will be received on the number you provided.

Type that OTP here and press continue now here our profile is created you can view your profile by clicking here similarly you can add power ups points to this account by inviting your friends.

With The Code by selecting the invite friends option here let's create a resume we can again press on create your air resume option enter all the required details in our resume.

Here now we are in the personal information tab yeah type your name email address and number which is our personal information if you have a website you can link it.

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    Here here I am giving my website link - ID Card Make

    Here the URL is copied you can paste the link here type your city here after giving all the details we can.

    Click save details have been saved next we have to give the education details here you can type The Institute name.

    Let's type the year we studied now type your degree details all the details asked here can be typed correctly you can type the description here after.

    That you can improve the type description now if you click on this button called improve using AI it will modify the description you typed here and improve.

    It a bit once your education details are complete you can press on save button now the education detail is saved here if you want to edit the details you have provided you can edit them by clicking.

    Here similarly if you want to delete you can click here and delete if you want to add more education details you can add it by clicking on the add education button the next step.

    Is to add the experience details enter the company name here you can enter all the details asked here correctly click this if you are present in this.

    Company here we can give job title now you can type your job description in this text box just like we improved the education.

    Description you can also improve this description using this button now let's save this experience details if you want to add more experience you can add by clicking this add experience.

    Button you can also edit your experience

    Details here and if you don't want this experience you can remove by clicking delete button now we have added experience detail next let's add.

    Projects here you can enter the title of the project you have done similarly select the date here and enter all project related details here.

    As we have given description before here also description can be typed the description can then be improved by clicking the improve using AI button now the project is saved here and if you.

    Want to add more projects you can click on this add project button next let's go to the achievements tab here we can type the title and type all the required details here as well.

    After typing the description it can be improved with the help of AI let's save these details next let's add skills here we can add all the details that.

    Should be included in a normal resume and we can also add next skills by typing here you can add more skills like this let's save this.

    Finally let's move on to the summary type your summary here and improve it with the help of AI we can also save these details now here our resume is completed.

    Let's preview it if you look here all the details we have given are very clear and this website's Watermark is also coming here next let's download this template.

    You can download by clicking on this download button and there are two options here if we choose the first option we can download it for free but this Watermark.

    Of this comes at the top of resume if this Watermark is okay then we can choose this option and download and let's see what the second option is we said at the beginning of this video that.

    We can add power are points by inviting our friends so we can download this resume design without Watermark from here by using that power a point received when invited.

    We can download a resume design with a power a point I am using the first option here and downloading the resume this design is open here.

    We have got a very simple and well aligned resume design so in this video we are looking at these things I hope this video is useful for all my friends if you like this video please like and.

    Also give your valuable comments if you are watching this video for the first time then please subscribe this Channel and press the Bell icon to enable the notification thank you.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continuetomake videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:
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